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Yate de navegación
This sailing boat, which can accommodate 10 people, was built in 1993 and is currently berthed in Alimos Marina - Greec in Athens. Whether you're anchored in a calm harbor or marina. During the boat charter, blankets and pillows are supplied.For your sailing vacations with friends or family, this sailing yacht is the ideal option. Onboard this gorgeous yacht, start organizing your boating vacations at Athens' Alimos Marina.
This sailing boat includes four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a convertible dinette in the salon that converts into an additional double sleeper, a charter license for ten people, two frigoboat refrigerators, and full charter supplies.
It is a top-notch, roomy, luxurious boat with strong sailing abilities that is also easy to operate, well-balanced, sea-friendly, and safe even in bad weather
The engine is situated amidships (instead of aft as in most boats), and the deep spade rudder is fully hung aft. It is a top-of-the-line, premium-class yacht with lovely blonde teak craftsmanship and a design intended to give ideal balance and weight distribution. This is an expensive design that is hard to locate, but it provides better tracking and going aft properties since it reduces prop-kick. This makes turning around into your docking berth a maneuver that is popular in Greek ports much simpler.
Prices per week (in Euros)2022 • June 11th to July 1st: 2404 • July 2nd to July 29th: 2703 • July 30th to August 19th : 3094 • August 20th to September 2nd: 2703 • September 3rd to September 16th: 2404 • September 17th to September 30th: 2289 • October 1st to October 14th: 1829 • October 15th to December 31st: 1254
This listing is listed for the following charter options.
Con capitán y tripulación
Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.
El depósito de daños se le reembolsa en 72 horas de su pago, sujeto a cualquier reclamo de rotura/daño por parte del operador/propietario.
- KaterBlue garantiza que todos los barcos disponibles para alquiler están asegurados por sus respectivos propietarios. Recomendamos encarecidamente contratar un seguro de viaje para protegerse de cualquier incidente o pérdida que se produzca fuera del barco. Mientras que los propietarios de los barcos aseguran sus embarcaciones, yates, tripulación e invitados contra incendios, colisiones y otros accidentes marítimos, los invitados son responsables de proteger sus objetos de valor durante la excursión. Si lo prefieren, los huéspedes pueden entregar sus objetos de valor al capitán del barco para que los custodie. En caso de accidente o desastre, es responsabilidad de los capitanes de las embarcaciones informar inmediatamente a KaterBlue o a su representante. Si los propietarios de las embarcaciones no han formalizado los seguros necesarios, serán plenamente responsables. Los fletadores e invitados que deseen practicar deportes acuáticos lo hacen bajo su propia responsabilidad y deben asegurarse de que disponen de su propio seguro.
Se proporcionarán instrucciones exactas a la ubicación de salida después de una reserva confirmada.