Suministro e instalación de diques flotantes de seguridad para mar abierto, olas altas, presas

Marine Supplies & Installations

Bursa, Turkey

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Marine Supplies

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Marine Docks

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Descrição do produto

We supply a wide product range of modular floating docks that can fit in any type of security barriers you want to build out of it on the water surface. We deal in several dock type and sizes you can choose from to build your own custom barriers. These varied docks we offer are hugely used for installing a secured floating barrier near the shore or any structure in the water where a special caution is indicated to the skipper/captains on their course of sailing. We know how the solutions can be provided either for standard marina requirements or bespoke custom requirements of the order. You can design your own pontoon or any drive on dock platform with our highly strong and ever-lasting qualitative dock products. The special rubber fittings that allow the flexible and rigid movement of the system serves to overcome the adverse weather conditions without damage to your watercrafts / products. The parts used in the product are all corrosion resistant. Our docks can respond to all applications on water, and can be used for both private and commercial applications. Each part of the dock are designed with rotation technology, self-floating, and be easily installed with a connector called Coupler. A custom design can be created with different sizes and structures available based on the order.


- Various Dock Applications
- Doesn't require maintenance
- Diverse fixing possibilities
- Functional accessories
- Multi-purpose modular design
- Safe connection rubbers
- Durability and flexibility
- Secure non-slip surface for season use

Various Dock Applications

- Marinas
- Hotels and restaurants
- Camps, Parks and Recreation Areas
- Government and Military
- Special events (concert, wedding competition, festival, fair)
- Fishing ports and landing wharf industrial solutions (generator, drilling, water inlet construction construct, working platforms)
- Floating docks and bridges

Further to it's working mechanism, two safety boat barriers are connected to each other with galvanized chain and clamps. The system is fixed to the sea with anchors. The unique design of the safety barriers allows the customers to make specific configurations unique to the area in which safety barriers are manufactured from polyethylene. This product is durable and UV resistant.Each unit is shock-resistant, as they are foam-filled; they are buoyant, unsinkable and are highly visible. Safety Barriers can be used in places where high visibility is compulsory, such as big seas, open oceans, places with high waves, and output channels with strong currents and dams.

The pontoon is formed by the combination of several parts; therefore the damaged pontoon can be easily changed without interrupting the barrier's service and without the need for replacing the entire unit. Standard or custom warning labels can be applied on to the product. It is offered in standard colors of yellow, orange and white. It is also available in custom colors.


Some of our past supplies and installations in various parts of major cities in the world can be observed on the image gallery above. 


Send us a message with the information; Name and company, email address, phone/whatsapp number, quantity required (min. order upon negotation for the chosen dock-type), type required (see samples above), any custom requirements, Sign: Person/Company

Alternatively, to access and print out our order form please view and print the from here.

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Fabricante : Marine Product/Installations
Modelo : Marine Docks
Ano de fabrico : 2021

Estado do anúncio

Opção de venda : Negotiable
País de fabrico: Turkey
Estado de conservação: Novo
Ano do primeiro registo: 2021

Impostos e outras contingências :

Detalhes do seguro

- A KaterBlue assegura que todos os barcos disponíveis para aluguer estão segurados pelos respectivos proprietários. Aconselhamos vivamente a subscrição de um seguro de viagem para proteção contra quaisquer incidentes ou perdas que ocorram fora do barco. Embora os proprietários dos barcos ofereçam seguro para os seus barcos, iates, tripulação e hóspedes contra incêndios, colisões e outros acidentes marítimos, os hóspedes são responsáveis pela proteção dos seus objectos de valor durante o passeio. Se preferirem, os clientes podem entregar os seus objectos de valor ao capitão do barco para que estes sejam guardados em segurança. Em caso de acidente ou catástrofe, é da responsabilidade dos capitães dos barcos informar imediatamente a KaterBlue ou o seu representante. Se os proprietários das embarcações não tiverem efectuado os seguros necessários, serão considerados totalmente responsáveis. Os fretadores e os convidados que pretendam praticar desportos aquáticos fazem-no por sua conta e risco e devem assegurar-se de que têm a sua própria cobertura de seguro.


As direcções exactas para o local de partida serão fornecidas após a confirmação da reserva.

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Listagem desde Dec 2021

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