Yachtmaster qualified crew available for Skipper, Deckhand position

Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey

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Experience Crew


5-10 jaar

Soonest Available Crew

Klaar in

48 Uren / 2 days

Duration crew

Boekbaar voor


An experienced Yachtmaster qualified available for Skipper, Captain, Deckhand or a Mate position. 

I hold Yacht-Master (500 grt) and able seaman certificates.  I am available for temporary, permament, daily or weekly positions as a skipper, captian, deckhand or a mate utilizing my painting varnishing, electrical and mechanical background. I have got over 5 years of experience and have acquired over 10,000 NM of sea-miles. I have various prior experience as a skipper and deckhand positions with sailing around the vast Turkish Coast, Nice/France, with along the vast coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean and the Red Sea. I excel in various boat and yacht types, namely motor yacht, catamaran, both commercial fleets and private vessels. 

I have been in the yachting industry since 1994 starting on my family owned Motorsailer Charter boat, MIZANA, and some times I did short way flotilla boat deliveries. I have been operating a marine hardware store since 2007. This strengthens my vast knowledge and expertise in areas of marine sail, skillset in compliance, safety management, risk-awareness sea-staff management, vessel manitenance including the administration and reporting. I am well versed with the ultimate responsiblity a skipper is entitled to undertake for the safety of vessel and the crew and as such, carrying a duty of care to all onboard. As a primary role of a skipper I am highly aware that each time I embark on a sail, about the risks involved in all activities during a voyage, both ashore and at sea and ensure sufficient measures are taken to avoid unacceptable risks. This does not entail to me a mere duty as a skipper/captain, deckhand, Mate, any position I am hired for. This extends beyond that. My duty of care extends beyond emotional and physical well-being of the sea staff, crew members and those onboard. The added advantage I can demonstrate is delivering the best possible adventure for the crew by designing the voyage and provide a spectacular sailing experience to the guests. 

My License/Certificate details:

1. Yacht master 500 grt, 21/12/2021 - 21/12/2026
2. Able seaman, 21/12/2021 - 21/12/2026
3. Short Range Radio Operator, 09/04/2014 - 06/01/2025
4. Seafarers Medical Certificate, 23/05/2018 - 23/05/2023
5. Navigational Watch keeping, 15/08/2012 - Unlimited
6. Radar Observation And Plotting, 22/05/2015 - Unlimited
7. Security Awareness, 22/05/2015 - Unlimited
8. Medical Care Training, 22/05/2015 - Unlimited
9. Security Related Familiarization Training, 22/05/2015 - Unlimited
10. Designated Security Duties Certificate, 22/05/2015 - Unlimited
11. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats, 21/12/2021 - 8/06/2026
12. Personal Survival Techniques at Sea, 21/12/2021 - 8/06/2026
13. Advanced Fire Fightin Certificate, 21/12/2021 - 15/11/2026
14. Personal Safety And Social Responsibility, 21/12/2021 - 8/06/2026
15. Elemantary First Aid, 21/12/2021 - 8/06/2026
16. Fire Prevention And Fire Fighting, 21/12/2021 - 8/06/2026

Prior-position Experiences: 

Deckhand/Skipper/Engineer, Senior Deckhand, Mate

My Skills include:

- Boat handling
- Line handling
- Rigging
- Caulking
- Painting
- Varnishing
- Some mechanical & electric knowledge

If you are a crew-seeker ether the private owner, or the commercial yacht operator looking for an experienced yet highly responsible crew professional in a position of a Skipper, Captain, Deckhand or a Mate, I am available for an outright hire. 

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Gegevens verzekering


Type vaartuig ervaring op:










Aantal jaren ervaring als bemanning:

5-10 jaar

I’m available soonest within:

48 uurs / 2 dags

Duur beschikbaar voor


Tot nu toe ontwikkelde zeemijlen (NM):


Andere kwalificaties:

IYT Jachtmeester Kust

Vaardigheden & Kennis:

Turkish Yachtmaster qualified

*Vaardigheidsdocumenten: Geüpload

Licentie & Onderscheidingen:

My skills include boat handling, line handling, rigging, caulking, painting, varnishing, some mechanic and electric knowledge.

* De geüploade documenten zullen zichtbaar zijn na een bevestigde reservering.

Annulering regels :

Flexible Beleid

Als u niet reageert of geen contact opneemt voor het verstrijken van de huurdatum, wordt de boeking als vervallen beschouwd.

Beschikbaar voor werk rond deze Regio's:

Mediterranean Sea

Aegean Sea

Rode Zee


Sterke punten bemanning
Goede luisteraar & communicator
Geen piercings in lichaam of gezicht
Toegewijd aan plicht
Fit & gezond
Motivatie & interesses in Crewing
Ervaring ontwikkelen
Avontuurlijk type
Vreemde talen leren
Contact maken met mensen

Huidige locatie

Exacte aanwijzingen naar de vertreklocatie worden verstrekt na een bevestigde boeking.


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