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Canary Islands, Spain
Jacht motorowy
Superhank 48
W pełni sprawny
Sunseeker Superhawk 48, in excellent condition and with a contemporary design, is for sale.It measures 14.71 x 3.30 meters in length and beam.It also has a 1000-liter fuel capacity and two 500-liter hot water tanks.The boat can accommodate up to 12 people.It also has hydraulic flaps, an accessible toilet, a radio beacon, a sun canopy, an electric windlass, a camper canopy, and a 50-person life raft.
This is an outstanding Sunseeker Superhawk 48. She appears to be in excellent shape. She has plenty of living space on board, as well as the balance of real Superhawk performance boating. The Sunseeker Superhawk 48 boasts three VOLVO PENTA inboard engines with a total capability of 507.36 kW with sterndrive and diesel, as well as a deep cockpit and quick controls to provide a safe ride and speeds of up to 40 knots. Her racing hull, however, belies the comfortable interior. This craft's innovative design provides for a surprisingly high degree of practical conveniences, such as a huge saloon, a wide galley, and a large U-shaped sofa, which, along with the roomy staterooms and air conditioning, give wonderful comfort and a delightful boating trip.
This is in excellent condition. The upholstery, carpeting, and cabin furniture are all in excellent condition. She has seen very little usage and has spent the most of her existence onshore. The Seahawk is a high-performance cruiser in high demand. This is a fantastic chance to acquire a future classic Sunseeker.
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