Dijual Kayu Junco Chino Gulet di Malaga Spanyol

Málaga, Spain

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Jenis Kapal



Junco Chino

Tahun Pembuatan



Beroperasi Penuh


A junk is a Chinese sailing ship that has totally battened sails. Northern junk, which evolved from Chinese riverboats, and southern junk, which evolved from Austronesian ship designs and has been trading with the Eastern Han dynasty since the 2nd century AD. They evolved further in subsequent dynasties and were mostly employed by Chinese traders throughout Southeast Asia. They were discovered, and are still present in smaller quantities, across Southeast Asia and India, but principally in China. A rising number of contemporary recreational junk-rigged sailboats may be found nowadays. Many different types of coastal or river ships were referred to be Chinese junks.

Typically, they were cargo ships, leisure boats, or houseboats. They have historically ranged in size from tiny river and coastal vessels to big ocean-going ships, with major geographical differences in the style of rig, although they always use fully battened sails. During the colonial period, the term "junk" was also used to designate to any big to medium-sized ship of the Austronesian nations of Island Southeast Asia, with or without the junk rig.

The Chinese junk sail is an adaptation of the Malay junk sail, which employed vegetable matting tied to bamboo battens, a method that originated in Indonesia. The full-length battens maintain the sail flatter than optimum in all wind situations. As a result, their ability to sail close to the wind is less than that of other fore-and-aft rigs.

Accommodation :

  • ·        Capacity 12 passengers.
  • ·        2 cabins

Inventory :

  • ·        VHF.
  • ·        WC according to regulations.
  • ·        Lounge table.
  • ·        Sun canopy.
  • ·        Electric windlass.
  • ·        Aft awning.
  • ·        Radio.
  • ·        CD.
  • ·        Battery charger.
  • ·        Wheelhouse door.
  • ·        Two 12V bilge pumps.
  • ·        220 V shore power.
  • ·        Microwave.
  • ·        Electric fridge.

Mechanical :

  • ·        Inboard engine 1. 5M 105 L. 4 stroke diesel injection axle.
  • ·        1300 liters 
  • ·        Cruise Speed 7 knots
  • ·        Top Speed 11-13 knots
Baca Lebih Lanjut


Produsen: Chinese Junco
Model : Junco Chino
Tahun Produksi : 1972
No. Kabin : 2
Panjang (meter) : 12.05
Lebar (meter) : 3.77
Mesin: dalam HP: 68.5
Jenis Mesin : Di dalam kapal
Luas area persegi (meter persegi): 45.42
Max Auth. Kapasitas 12
Kapasitas Tangki Bahan Bakar: 1300 ltr
Kapasitas Air Tawar: 1300 ltr
Maks. Kecepatan (Kn) : 13.00 kn
Kecepatan Jelajah (Kn) : 7.00 kn
Bahan Bangunan : Wooden

Status Daftar

Opsi Penjualan : Negotiable
Negara Pembuat: Spain
Kondisi: Beroperasi Penuh
Tahun Pendaftaran pertama: 1972
Bendera   Spain

Pajak & Kontinjensi Lainnya :

Rincian asuransi

- KaterBlue memastikan bahwa semua kapal yang tersedia untuk disewa telah diasuransikan oleh pemiliknya masing-masing. Kami sangat menyarankan untuk memiliki Asuransi Perjalanan untuk melindungi dari insiden atau kerugian yang terjadi di luar kapal. Meskipun pemilik kapal menyediakan asuransi untuk kapal, kapal pesiar, kru, dan tamu mereka dari kebakaran, tabrakan, dan kecelakaan laut lainnya, para tamu bertanggung jawab untuk melindungi barang-barang berharga mereka selama tur. Jika mereka mau, para tamu dapat menyerahkan barang berharga mereka kepada kapten kapal untuk diamankan. Jika terjadi kecelakaan atau bencana, kapten kapal bertanggung jawab untuk segera memberi tahu KaterBlue atau perwakilannya. Jika pemilik kapal belum menyelesaikan pengaturan asuransi yang diperlukan, mereka akan bertanggung jawab penuh. Penyewa dan tamu yang ingin melakukan olahraga air menanggung risiko sendiri dan harus memastikan bahwa mereka memiliki perlindungan asuransi sendiri.


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