Slovenian Coast Culinary Half Day Voyage Izola, Slovenia

Ulica ob Stolpu 1, Izola - Isola, Slovenia

Sailing Yacht

Jenis Kapal

Kapal Pesiar Layar


Maks. Kapasitas



No. Kabin



No. tempat berlabuh



Embark on an enchanting journey as we set sail from Isola at 6 p.m., welcoming you aboard for an evening of maritime bliss. The beauty of the Slovenian coast unfolds before you, promising a magical experience. The sun begins its descent, casting a warm glow over the coastal waters as our vessel glides gracefully through the Adriatic.

We navigate towards the breathtaking "Bele Skale," a secluded bay that unveils a high white cliff, creating a picturesque backdrop against the turquoise waters. Nature's richness is evident in the lush vegetation that surrounds the area, and the only access to the pristine white pebble beach is through a refreshing swim in the inviting sea.

As the day transitions into night, we invite you to revel in the magic of a grill at sunset. The evening commences with the splendor of the sun bidding adieu to the day, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. You'll be serenaded by the soothing sounds of the sea as you savor an aperitif, setting the stage for an unforgettable dining experience.

On the grill, our culinary team crafts a delectable meat dinner, skillfully prepared with fresh, seasonal products. The aroma of the barbecue mingles with the sea breeze, creating an atmosphere that indulges the senses. This unique gastronomic adventure under the evening sky is a celebration of good food, scenic beauty, and the serenity of the open sea.

As the clock nears 10 p.m., we sail back to Isola, bringing an end to this maritime escapade. The lights of the coastal town twinkle in the distance, bidding you farewell after a night filled with the flavors of the sea, the warmth of the sunset, and the camaraderie aboard our vessel.

Baca Lebih Lanjut


Produsen: Dufour
Model : Gib Sea 51
No. Kabin : 5
No. Kamar Mandi : 5
No. Tempat berlabuh : 10
Panjang (meter) : 14.9
Lebar (meter) : 4.84
Draft (meter) : 1.95
Mesin: dalam HP: 100
Max Auth. Kapasitas 10
Kapasitas Maksimum yang Dapat Dipesan: 8

Detail Ketersediaan

Jadwal untuk check-in : 18:00
Jadwal untuk check-out : 22:00
Durasi 4:00 Hour

Opsi Sewa

Daftar ini terdaftar untuk opsi sewa berikut.

Dengan Kapten dan Awak Kapal

Fasilitas Penjemputan & Pengantaran
- No
- We do not facilitate pick and drop

Bahan bakar sudah termasuk dalam harga?
- Yes
- Fuel is included in the price

Termasuk dalam Sewa
- Meat dinner included

Tamu dapat membawa barang sendiri
- Guest can bring their own food if they wish

Catatan untuk tamu:

Berdasarkan pilihan opsi seea yang ditetapkan untuk daftar ini dan pilihan Anda untuk memanfaatkan opsi ini dalam proses pemesanan penyewaan ini, biaya tambahan mungkin berlaku, misalnya; untuk memanfaatkan layanan Kru.

Fasilitas Sanitasi

Air Dingin
Air Panas
Kamar Mandi
Ketel Uap

Peralatan Dapur

Meja Makan
Ketel Listrik
Mesin Pencuci Piring

Tindakan Keamanan

Jaket pelampung
Sabuk penyelamat (tali pengaman)
Alat pemadam kebakaran
Alarm Asap
Tali tambat
Rakit Penyelamat
Sistem Alarm

Perlengkapan Lainnya

Pilot otomatis
Pendorong Busur
Tempat Duduk Umum
Tempat Sampah
Lemari pakaian
Sistem Tekanan Air
Pompa Lambung Kapal
Pengisi Daya Baterai
Sambungan ke Pantai
Pembuat air tawar

Ketika di Dalam Kapal

Seprai Disediakan
Sudah Termasuk Pembersihan
Tidak Ada Tamu Tambahan

Aturan pemesanan


  • Meat dinner
  • Sailing to Bele Skale
  • Stop for the swimming
  • Use of a cabin with bathroom


Alcohol, drinks and coffee according to consumption, there is an on-board menu


If the tour is canceled by the crew due to bad weather, a voucher with a value equal to the amount spent will be issued and can be used without time limitations. In the event of cancellation by the guest for demonstrable health/unforeseen reasons , a voucher will be issued to be used WITHIN the current season . If the cancellation occurs due to change of mind/trivial reasons, this will result in the loss of the amount paid. It is not permitted to bring alcohol or drinks with you. It is not allowed to bring pets. The stages indicated may undergo variations due to weather or adverse navigation conditions. The Commander reserves the right to modify or cancel the tour for everyone's safety!

Baca Lebih Lanjut

Deposit kerusakan : £0

Deposit Kerusakan akan dikembalikan sepenuhnya kepada Anda dalam 72 jam setelah pembayaran, tergantung pada klaim kerusakan/kerusakan oleh Operator/Pemilik.


Petunjuk arah yang tepat ke lokasi keberangkatan akan diberikan setelah pemesanan dikonfirmasi.

Dioperasikan oleh


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Daftar sejak :waktu

Tidak dinilaidari 0 ulasan
0% rekomendasi dari pelanggan
Tarif dari
£557/ hari
{{ type.price }}%
{{ formatMoney(type.price) }}
  • {{total_price_html}}
  • {{pay_now_price_html}}

(maksimum 8 tamu)

Kirim Pertanyaan
£557 / hari