Petualangan Sewa Kapal Pesiar Kepulauan Ionia Preveza, Yunani

Preveza Greece

Sailing Yacht

Jenis Kapal

Kapal Pesiar Layar


Maks. Kapasitas



No. Kabin



No. tempat berlabuh



A 7-day Skippered sailing yacht charter in the Ionian Islands promises an unforgettable experience in one of Greece's most idyllic and picturesque regions. Your journey begins at the Port of Preveza on a Saturday afternoon at 17:00h, setting the stage for a week of exploration, relaxation, and adventure. With check-out scheduled for the following Saturday at 09:00h, you'll have ample time to soak in the beauty of this island paradise.

The Ionian Islands are renowned for their stunning natural beauty, crystal-clear waters, and a rich cultural heritage. As you embark on your yacht charter, you'll find a plethora of charming destinations to explore, each with its unique charm. From secluded coves to lively towns, there's something for everyone on this sailing adventure.

Guests on this charter can expect to enjoy the tranquility of the Ionian Sea, where calm waters make for smooth sailing. The region is known for its reliable winds, making it an excellent choice for both experienced sailors and beginners. Sailing enthusiasts will relish the opportunity to navigate these azure waters, while novices can easily pick up the basics from the experienced skipper.

The Ionian Islands are dotted with attractions that cater to a variety of interests. Nature enthusiasts can explore lush landscapes, hiking trails, and caves. The islands are also famous for their pristine beaches, offering the perfect spots for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will be captivated by the underwater world, teeming with marine life and colorful reefs.

Among the most popular spots in the Ionian Islands are Corfu, known for its Venetian architecture and vibrant nightlife; Zakynthos, famous for the stunning Navagio Beach and its shipwreck; and Kefalonia, where you can visit the impressive Melissani Cave. Each island has its unique charm, offering a diverse range of experiences.

Food lovers will be delighted by the local cuisine. You can savor fresh seafood, traditional Greek dishes, and delicious Mediterranean flavors in the quaint seaside tavernas and restaurants that line the shores of these islands. While meals are not included in the charter price, you'll have the freedom to explore and indulge in the local culinary delights at your leisure.

As your sailing journey comes to an end, you must return to the base by 18:00h on the Friday before check-out on Saturday. This ensures a smooth and timely conclusion to your memorable Ionian Islands yacht charter. Overall, this sailing adventure promises an enchanting mix of natural beauty, cultural exploration, and the freedom to create lasting memories amid the stunning landscapes of the Ionian Islands.

Baca Lebih Lanjut


Produsen: Dufour
Model : Dufour Grand Large 460
No. Kabin : 4
No. Kamar Mandi : 4
No. Tempat berlabuh : 10
Panjang (meter) : 14.02
Lebar (meter) : 4.57
Draft (meter) : 0.8
Mesin: dalam HP: 60
Max Auth. Kapasitas 10
Kapasitas Maksimum yang Dapat Dipesan: 8
Kapasitas Tangki Bahan Bakar: 250 ltr
Kapasitas Air Tawar: 250 ltr

Detail Ketersediaan

Jadwal untuk check-in : 17:00
Jadwal untuk check-out : 09:00
Durasi 7 Days
Min hari sebelum pemesanan : 14
Minimal hari menginap : 7

Opsi Sewa

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Hanya dengan Kapten

Fasilitas Penjemputan & Pengantaran
- Yes

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Aturan pemesanan

Deposit kerusakan : £0

Deposit Kerusakan akan dikembalikan sepenuhnya kepada Anda dalam 72 jam setelah pembayaran, tergantung pada klaim kerusakan/kerusakan oleh Operator/Pemilik.


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