Penjaga pantai menyelamatkan nyawa

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Experience Crew


5-10 tahun

Soonest Available Crew


24 jams / 1 hari

Duration crew

Dapat dipesan untuk


I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along.

This is what I can be useful for;

  • Alert and warn swimmers ob-board of improper activities or danger and enforce deck regulations and water safety policies
  • I will administer first aid in the event of injury, rescues swimmers in distress or danger of drowning, and administers CPR and/or artificial respiration, if necessary.

You want a life savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)

Baca Lebih Lanjut

Bidang layanan lain yang ditawarkan

Alert and warn swimmers ob-board of improper activities or danger and enforce deck regulations and water safety policies. I will administer first aid in the event of injury, rescues swimmers in distress or danger of drowning, and administers CPR and/or artificial respiration, if necessary.

Rincian asuransi


Being a life-guard, the safety comes first and I am always intact and sensitive towards by safety. Yes, I am insured with all matters.

Pengalaman jenis kapal di:

Kapal Pesiar Motor

Kapal Motor

Kapal Pesiar Layar


Perahu Rumah


Penjaga Laut

Staf Kapal Pesiar

Tahun pengalaman sebagai awak kapal:

5-10 years

I’m available soonest within:

24 jams / 1 hari

Durasi yang tersedia untuk


Basis bulanan

Nautical Mil (NM) yang dikembangkan sejauh ini:


Kualifikasi lainnya:

RYA Kompeten

RYA Yachtmaster Samudra

Keterampilan & Pengetahuan:

I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along. You want a life-savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)

Lisensi & Penghargaan:

I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along. You want a life-savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)

* Dokumen yang diunggah akan terlihat setelah reservasi dikonfirmasi.


I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along. You want a life-savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)


I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along. You want a life-savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)

Kekuatan awak kapal

Perenang Profesional
Pendengar & Komunikator yang baik
Tidak ada tindik di tubuh/wajah
Tidak mabuk laut
Tidak memiliki tato
Berkomitmen pada tugas
Sehat & Bugar
Berpikir terbuka
Selera humor
Senang memasak
Senang memandu
Keahlian pemeliharaan

Motivasi & minat di bidang Crewing

Mengembangkan pengalaman
Berpergian ke tempat baru
Tipe petualang
Idiom aprender
Terhubung dengan orang

Preferensi keuangan

Membayar biaya sendiri
Memilih penggantian biaya
Termasuk makanan

Aturan Pembatalan :

Flexible Kebijakan

Tidak ada tanggapan atau tidak adanya kontak setelah tanggal perekrutan berakhir akan mengakibatkan pemesanan dianggap hangus.

Tersedia untuk bekerja di sekitar Wilayah ini:

Gdańsk, Poland

Gdańsk, Poland

Lokasi saat ini

Petunjuk arah yang tepat ke lokasi keberangkatan akan diberikan setelah pemesanan dikonfirmasi.


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Judyta DudaTerverifikasi

Daftar sejak :waktu

dari £150/ hari

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