Energetsko jedro na Flyer 6 Sundeck 2019 u Barceloni, Španjolska

Barcelona, Spain

Sailing Yacht

Vrsta plovila


Tip iskustva


11 sati

Maksimum Osoba

6 osoba


The Flyer 6 Sundeck is the ideal small powerboat for brief journeys to sea! Up to 6 people can enjoy a ride in this outboard-powered boat, which is easily towable and has cleverly built spaces. This smallest day boat is sporty and modern, and it performs just as well as the larger ones! There are two options: regular (with grey upholstery and stainless steel pulpits) or Elegance (with more polished upholstery and black pulpits).

It features a cabin with a berth beneath the foredeck sun pad, making it suitable for coastal sailing and it’s single maximum 140 horsepower engine ensures good sea keeping and thrills. The wraparound windscreen and hand rails on the console make moving on the two symmetrical side decks much safer.

This boat is the most comfortable in the family. Under the bow deck with sun loungers - the word SUN appears in the name for a reason - there is a tiny cabin with sleepers and even a rolling garage. Because the toilet is hidden in a locker under the steering console, the height in this area is sufficient to silently "moor" at a specific requirement.

A lounger with a guardrail is located at the stern of the Flyer 6 Sundeck. You may mingle over a glass of non-alcoholic beverages if you turn the two chairs beside the steering console and add a removable table on deck. This sofa instantly unfolds into a double bed, allowing 4-5 people to sunbathe on board the boat at the same time.

The watercraft characteristics comprise of: • Length: 6.0m • Width: 2.4m • Draft: 0.4m • Displacement: 1251Kg • Cabins: 0 • Berths: 0 • Max capacity: 6 • Fuel Tank: 100L • Water tank: 50L • Engine: 140hp


Navigation • Depth sounder, • VHF radio, • Anchor box, • Hand bearing compass, • First aid kit, • GPS Plotter in cockpit

Outside • Bimini, • Outside shower, • Swim ladder, • Bathing platform, • Foredeck sun cushions, • Electric bilge pump, • Deck table, • Outdoor mats

Inside • Fresh water, • Socket 12V, • Bluetooth, • USB connection

Expenditures Assumed by the Lessee. All costs for provisioning, fuel, lubricants, gas, ice, moorage in harbours and marinas, and generally all material and maintenance expenditures for the vessel during the rental period are not included in the rental price and shall be assumed exclusively by the lessee.

Use of the Vessel.  To use the chartered vessel properly and in accordance with maritime authorities' rules.  Not transporting more than the number of passengers permitted by the vessel's certificate of seaworthiness, using the vessel solely for recreational purposes, and not participating in regattas. Furthermore, he agrees not to cede, subcontract, or sublet the vessel in whole or in part. The leese declares that he is aware of the restrictions imposed by the COVID10 pandemic.  Not to bring animals on board unless the ship owner gives permission.  Not to transport weapons, drugs, or any other items that might violate Spanish law.  Towing other vessels is strictly prohibited; similarly, the chartered vessel shall only be towed in an emergency and only using the vessel's own ropes to reduce rescue costs. The lessee shall not enter into any agreements or accept any responsibilities without the prior approval of the ship owner.  If dangerous weather conditions are indicated in the weather or sea forecasts (wind speed greater than 6 Beaufort or 27 wind knots), the lessee agrees not to leave the harbour in which he is located or to proceed to the nearest safe harbour or anchorage. The lessee must be aware of the meteorological conditions at all times in order to have a navigation plan that allows him to ensure the vessel's integrity while avoiding unnecessary risks.  Not leaving the vessel in high seas without an experienced crew member on board, always sailing with the sails most appropriate to the weather conditions, ensuring safe sailing and a manageable strain on the sails, mast, rigging, sprit, and other equipment  Do not use cleaning products or utensils that could damage the vessel.  To be held liable for any damage or impairment that may occur on the chartered vessel, as well as the loss of any of its components and any delay in returning the vessel.  To be held liable for any theft or loss of the dinghy if it is not stored in a closed chest or properly strapped in the deck of the vessel.  The lessee is responsible for all consequences of anchoring, particularly measures required in the event of wind or current changes.  to be held liable for the actions of all people named on the passengers list, the number of whom on board must not exceed the vessel's maximum capacity.  To use the vessel solely for touristic or leisure purposes; the vessel shall not be used for commercial purposes, professional fishing and transportation, sports competitions and regattas, or any other use that is incompatible with the vessel's purpose. The lessee, as the sole person in charge of the vessel during the rental period, is responsible for using the vessel responsibly and in accordance with the rules of the competent authorities, being the sole and exclusive party in charge and liable for any consequences that may result from noncompliance.

Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Beneteau
Model: Flyer 6 Sundeck 2019
Proizvedena godina: 2019
Duljina (metra): 5.5
Širina (metra): 2.4
Nacrt (metri): 0.4
Motor: u HP -u: 1 x 115hp
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 6
Kapacitet spremnika za gorivo: 100 ltr

Pravila rezervacije

1.- Suspensive Condition. As a suspensive condition the validity of the present contract is subject to the payment by the lessee of the reservation amount agreed in the following Terms and Conditions, as reservations are not valid until said payment is made.

2.- Payment and Reservation In order for the reservation of the vessel to become binding, 80% of the rental amount shall be paid, whereby no vessel shall be considered definitively reserved until the above mentioned payment is made. The remaining 20 % shall be paid in advance, at least one month before starting the cruise, whereby the reservation shall be considered null and void in case the payment is not settled.

The lessee, and BEFORE ten ( + 10 ) weeks before the expected date of delivery of the boat, may unilaterally withdraw from the contract with a penalty of 20% of the total value of the rental previously booked. If the lessee decides to cancel between ten (10) and eight (8) weeks prior to the date of delivery of the boat, the lessor is authorised to charge 40% of the total rental amount, if he cancels between eight (8) and four (4) weeks prior to the date of delivery, the lessor will charge 60% of the rental amount, if he cancels between four (4) and two (2) weeks prior to the date, the lessor will be charged 80% of the rental value, if he cancels less than two (-2) weeks prior to the date, the lessor will be charged 100% of the amounts received from the lessee, all in respect of the damages caused by such cancellation. If it is impossible to provide some of the services under the agreed conditions, the company will offer the user the option of either reimbursing the total amount paid without any further request or claim for any reason, or accepting a supplement to the contract specifying the modifications introduced and their repercussion on the price.

Čitaj više

Opcije čartera

Ovaj je popis naveden za sljedeće opcije čartera.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

Napomena za goste:

Na temelju odabira opcije Charter postavljene za ovaj popis i vašeg odabira kako biste iskoristili ove opcije u okviru procesa rezervacije ove povelje, može se primjenjivati ​​dodatna naknada za npr.; Za korištenje usluge posade.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


Na temelju 5 Recenzije
Vrlo dobro
Nije ocijenjen


Naše iskustvo jedrenja s Katerblueom nije bilo ništa čarobno. Dok smo uplovili, ostavljajući brige svijeta iza sebe, osjećaj spokoja nas je omotao. Nježni morski povjetarac i ritmički pomak jahte stvorili su umirujući ambijent koji nas je preveo u stanje čistog opuštanja. Posada koja se upućuje na sve naše potrebe, nudeći personaliziranu uslugu i stručne smjernice tijekom cijelog putovanja. Katerblueova predanost stvaranju mirnog utočišta omogućila nam je da se odvojimo od vanjskog svijeta i ponovno se povežemo sa sobom i prirodom. Bilo je to iskustvo života, ono što ćemo zauvijek njegovati.


Katerblueove kulinarske ponude istinska su gozba za osjetila, uzdižući naše iskustvo jedrenja na nove visine. Talentirano ugrađeno kuhar majstorstvo okusa i prezentacije pretvorilo je svaki obrok u kulinarsko putovanje. Od svježih delicija morskih plodova do ukusnih deserta, svaki je zalogaj bio divna eksplozija ukusa. Pozornost posade na detalje, besprijekorne postavke stola i promišljene vinske parove dodatno su poboljšali iskustvo blagovaonice. Katerblueova predanost pružanju rajnog okusa kroz njihove kulinarske radosti ostavila je trajan dojam na naša nepca i srca. Naše gastronomsko putovanje s Katerblueom bio je vrhunac našeg iskustva i svjedočanstvo njihove predanosti izvrsnosti.


Katerblue je postigao savršenu ravnotežu između avanture i opuštanja, stvarajući iskustvo koje je donijelo svaku našu ćud. Od uzbudljivih vodenih sportova do mirnih trenutaka provedenih na suncu, svaki dan je ponudio jedinstveni spoj uzbuđenja i spokojstva. Stručnost posade i toplo gostoprimstvo olakšali su nam se tijekom cijelog putovanja, omogućujući nam da se u potpunosti uronimo u iskustvo. Katerblueova sposobnost da isporuči tako besprijekoran spoj avanture i opuštanja svjedoči o njihovoj posvećenosti pružanju nezaboravnog iskustva. Zahvalni smo na stvorenim uspomenama i prilika da se prepustimo najboljem iz oba svijeta.


Katerblue je redefinirao luksuz, utjelovljujući umjetnost maženja u svakom aspektu. Od trenutka kada smo ušli u njihovu elegantnu jahtu, prema nama su bili tretirani kao kraljevski. Pažljiva pažnja posade prema detaljima osigurala je da se svaka potreba i želja očekuje i ispuni odmah. Gurmanski obroci koje je pripremio talentirani kuhar na brodu bila su gozba za osjetila, oduševljavajući naše nepce izvrsnim okusima i prezentacijom. Plišani smještaj pružio je utočište udobnosti i spokoja, pozivajući nas da se opustimo i opuštamo u stilu. Katerblueova predanost umjetnosti maženja povisila je naše iskustvo na nove visine, čineći ga zaista popustljivim bijegom.


Odabrali smo Katerblue da proslavi posebnu prigodu, a pokazalo se da je to najbolja odluka koju smo mogli donijeti. Od trenutka kada smo ušli u zadivljujuću jahtu, dočekali su nas osmijesi i istinski entuzijazam od pažljive posade. Išli su iznad i dalje kako bi osigurali da naše proslave nisu ništa izvanredno. Pažljivo kurirani jelovnik, lijepo uređena postavka i personalizirani dodiri pridonijeli su stvaranju trenutaka čiste radosti. Katerblueova posvećenost tome da naša proslava bude nezaboravna zauvijek će biti urezana u naša sjećanja. Hvala vam što ste prešli dodatni kilometar kako bi naš poseban dan bio uistinu izvanredan.
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