Jedrenje Costa Brava u Barceloni, Španjolska

Barcelona, Spain

Sailing Yacht

Vrsta plovila


Tip iskustva


4 Dani:

Maksimum Osoba

11 osoba


Do you want to branch out and try something new? Do you have the desire to go on a one-of-a-kind trip on the Costa Brava? Join us on a sailing tour to discover some of Catalonia's most beautiful beaches. Come try out our Costa Brava sailing ride.

Day 1- Port Olimpic – Blanes – Cala Giberola

With a full tank of fuel, we depart from Barcelona's Port Olimpic at 08h00 on Thursday for Blanes. This journey will take us approximately 6 hours. As we leave the coast of Barcelona and enter Costa Brava, you will notice its beautiful landscape and wonderful beaches. This indicates that we will be in the territory of exclusively boat-accessible anchorages and bays. Once at Blanes, we will drop anchor and consume some of the groceries we purchased before embarking on the expedition; we will need to refuel before embarking on the bay routes.

We will go to Cala Giberola after relaxing and swimming for a while, passing via the villages of Lloret de Mar and Tossa de Mar, where we will view its lovely castle. It will take us roughly 30 minutes to complete this task. When we get at Cala Giberola, we will drop the anchor, stay the night, and have dinner at the beach restaurant for 25 euros per person.

Day 2- Cala Giberola – S’Agaró - Tamariu

When the first rays of sunlight arrive, we will wake up, eat breakfast, and sail to another nearby bay in less than an hour, then to Sant Pol, and finally to Platja d'Aro, where we will remain and swim for a while.


We'll eat lunch at Port d'Aro at a restaurant that charges $30 per person. And in the evening, we'll go to Tamariu Beach, a small charming town where we'll stay for the night, visit, and dine for $30 per person.

Day 3- Tamariu – Aigua Blava

We will wake up, eat breakfast in Tamariu, and cruise through several regions to reach the beach of Aigua Blava, where we will spend the entire day enjoying the terrain and the environment, as well as eating at a beach restaurant. There, we may dive and explore the seafloor till we eat dinner in town for $27 per person. Then we may go for a walk in the evening until midnight, when we shall return to the boat.

Day 4- Aigua Blava – Port Olimpic

We will begin returning to the dock in Barcelona at midnight, while watching the stars, and will reach there silently at 09h00 am. Depending on the weather, we may stop at a nearby beach to enjoy the day on the way back.


The Beneteau 393 is a well-behaved and easy-to-handle boat that offers luxury and performance in the 40-foot range of cruisers. She is an excellent bareboat or skippered charter yacht. A lovely sailing vessel, perfect for a yacht hire. The saloon and staterooms are bright and airy, thanks to the numerous portholes and hatches found throughout the ship. Three double berth cabins, one of which has an en-suite head.

This Beneteau Oceanis 393 has a large, well-protected cockpit and easy access all over the deck.

• To port, there is a double berth, and to starboard, there is a tiny bench.
• Headboards and storage chests in the en-suite
• The salon has a door to the port side and a linear galley to the starboard.
• To the port, there is a U-shaped sofa and a dining table, as well as a tiny bench seat with storage.
• Chart table to port, heads compartment to starboard
• Aft rooms with twin beds, hanging lockers, and storage on port and starboard.
• Access to the engine is by a hinged companionway.

The watercraft characteristics comprise of:

  • Length: 12m
  • Beam: 3.96m
  • Max. Capacity: 8
  • Draft: 1.90m
  • Cabins: 3
  • Berths: 8
  • Engine: 55Hp
  • Fuel tank capacity: 150L
  • Fresh water capacity:225L
Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Beneteau
Model: Beneteau 393
Proizvedena godina: 2002
Ne. Kabina: 3
Ne. 8
Duljina (metra): 12
Širina (metra): 3.96
Nacrt (metri): 1.9
Motor: u HP -u: 55
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 8
Kapacitet spremnika za gorivo: 150 ltr
Kapacitet svježe vode: 150 ltr

Pojedinosti o dostupnosti

Raspored za prijavu: (Na dan odlaska) 08:00
Raspored za odjavu: (Na dan dolaska) 09:00
Trajanje: (Dani/tjedni) 4 Days

Pravila rezervacije

The activity and destinations can be modified due to weather conditions or our clients preferences.

Čitaj više

Opcije čartera

Ovaj je popis naveden za sljedeće opcije čartera.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

Napomena za goste:

Na temelju odabira opcije Charter postavljene za ovaj popis i vašeg odabira kako biste iskoristili ove opcije u okviru procesa rezervacije ove povelje, može se primjenjivati ​​dodatna naknada za npr.; Za korištenje usluge posade.

Pravila otkaza

Strog Politika

Ne-show će rezultirati da se rezervira smatra oduzetom.

Dani koji nisu provedeni zbog rane odjave označeni su kao oduzeta.

Povrat pod kojim uvjetima i odredbama otkaza isključuje naknadu za uslugu Katerblue.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


Na temelju 5 Recenzije
Vrlo dobro
Nije ocijenjen


Jahta je bila opremljena vrhunskim mogućnostima zabave, što je naš dan na moru s Katerblueom učinio još ugodnijim.


Jahta je imala sve pogodnosti potrebne za ugodan dan na moru; Katerblue zna kako pružiti luksuznu vožnju.


Imali smo nevjerojatno vrijeme na Katerblueovoj povelji jahte; gostoprimstvo posade i pažnja na detalje bili su izuzetni.


Kapetanske stručne navigacijske vještine i znanje o najboljim rutama učinili su jahtu povelju bešavnim iskustvom.


Jedrilica je pružila jedinstvenu perspektivu obale, omogućujući nam da cijenimo njegovu ljepotu iz vode.
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