Prekrasna čarter zalaska sunca u Barceloni, Španjolska

Barcelona, Spain

Sailing Yacht

Vrsta plovila


Tip iskustva


2 Hour

Maksimum Osoba

2 osoba


If you want to provide your partner with some wonderful memories that will last a lifetime, then we have the ideal solution for you! Invite your loved one to join you on our boat to enjoy the sunset. Our journey will begin in the Port Olimpic and continue along the coast of Barcelona. You will undoubtedly sense a strong connection to nature and the water. You may also unwind and take in the breathtaking vista of the sun sinking behind the Tibidabo.

We will provide you with a bottle of cava and appetizers to make your journey even more enjoyable. It is important that you pack your swimwear since it will be impossible to resist the temptation of leaping into the pristine and crystal waters of the Mediterranean Sea from our boat on the warm summer evenings.

Our Sailing Yacht

Our boat is a four-cabin cruising boat with eight permanent beds and two head compartments. Although we usually do not advocate it, the main cabin can be utilized for two extra berths. It is a pleasant and large vessel that can accommodate two families or a party of up to eight persons. She can be sailed by a couple, as can all contemporary boats, but because she is larger and has greater sail area, a larger crew allows labor to be shared and offers extra hands while mooring.

It can be operated by a two-person crew, but having more people on board makes mooring and other operations easier and divides the weight. She sails well, as do all Jeanneau boats, delivering exciting sailing while being secure and stable, as one would expect from a bigger cruising yacht.

The Sun Odyssey 44i boats from Greek Sails include twin-wheel steering, a rolling genoa, and a fully battened slab reefing mainsail with lazy jacks and a sail bag. Single-line reefing is used on the mainsail, with reefs 1 and 2 rigged. A bow thruster is also available to help with close quarter maneuvering. If you anchor, there is an inflatable dinghy with outboard to assist you in getting ashore or just to let you to explore. A DSC VHF radio and an EPIRB are also located near the chart table on the 44i. There are charts and pilot instructions available.

The boat has a CD/radio player in the main cabin, as well as external speakers in the cockpit, so you may listen to music while sailing. The Sun Odyssey 44i has four cabins and two toilet/shower rooms (referred to as "heads" in sailing parlance), each with hot and cold running water, a toilet, and a holding tank. Each cabin has a double berth, for a total of eight berths, and the main saloon settee and table may be converted to another double berth, for a total of ten people, albeit the main saloon is only recommended for children.

The watercraft characteristics comprise of:

  • Length: 13.75m
  • Beam: 4.37m
  • Max. Capacity: 8
  • Bathroom: 2
  • Cabins: 4
  • Berths: 8
  • Engine: 54Hp
  • Fuel tank capacity: 240L
  • Fresh water capacity:615L
Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Jeanneau
Model: Sun Odyssey 44i
Proizvedena godina: 2010
Ne. Kabina: 4
Ne. Kupaonice: 2
Ne. 8
Duljina (metra): 13.75
Širina (metra): 4.37
Motor: u HP -u: 54
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 8
Kapacitet spremnika za gorivo: 240 ltr
Kapacitet svježe vode: 240 ltr

Pojedinosti o dostupnosti

Raspored za prijavu: (Na dan odlaska) 18:00
Raspored za odjavu: (Na dan dolaska) 20:00
Trajanje: (Dani/tjedni) 2 Hour

Pravila rezervacije

This activity can be changed due to weather conditions.

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Opcije čartera

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Povrat pod kojim uvjetima i odredbama otkaza isključuje naknadu za uslugu Katerblue.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


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