Avanturistička plovidba u Ibizi, Španjolska

Barcelona, Spain

Sailing Yacht

Vrsta plovila


Tip iskustva


7 Dani:

Maksimum Osoba

11 osoba


To experience an adventure sailing in Ibiza, we will propose a route, although it may vary depending on your preferences and on weather conditions.

Day 1 Port Olimpic – Ses Salines

Departure from Barcelona's Port Olimpic at 10:00 p.m. on Monday, with a full tank of petrol and food for the overnight cruise to Ibiza. This voyage will take us between 24 and 30 hours if the wind is favorable and with the assistance of the motor when necessary. Depending on the winds, this might cost up to $80.

Day 2 Ses Salines

After crossing the Mediterranean, we will arrive on Tuesday between 10 a.m. and 15 a.m. to the beach of Ses Salines, where we will attach the sailboat to a buoy and swim for around 35 euros each night. This beach features three restaurants where you may eat nicely and occasionally meet celebrities. A meal for one person costs roughly 30 dollars.

Day 3 Ses Salines – Ses Illetes - Marina Ibiza

We'll spend the night at Ses Salines and leave for Formentera around 9:45 p.m. on Wednesday. This trip will take 1 hour if we sail, and the cost of gasoline will be around $20, depending on the weather.

When we arrive at Ses Illetes, we'll drop the anchor on its beautiful beaches and walk down to one of the city's famed bars for a few cocktails. We'll enjoy a leisurely day at the beach and dine at Es Mol, one of the area's most renowned restaurants, where menus run from $50 to $80 per person.

We will cruise to Marina Ibiza in the evening to witness the wonderful sunset with a stunning view over the boat, and spend the night in the port.

The cost of gasoline to this port is around $40, and the cost of the boat for one night is $170. We may conduct a sight-seeing tour and have dinner under the castle at Marina Ibiza, which is only 5 minutes from the city center. The average cost of a meal at a restaurant is $25 per person. We can take advantage of the port's services, such as showering and using the restroom more conveniently.

Day 4 Marina Ibiza

We'll get up and spend the day in town, doing some shopping for food, souvenirs, clothing, and so on, before touring the castle. We'll spend another night at the harbor to learn more about the area, the nightlife, including the famed Pacha nightclub, which costs 70 euros per person to enter, and the luxury of Marina Botafoch. This night at the harbor will set you back $170 per sailboat, with breakfast costing $10 per person, lunch costing roughly $20 per person, and dinner costing $35 per person.

 Day 5 Marina Ibiza - Cala Portinatx

We'll get up around 10:00 a.m. the next day, Friday, and drive to Cala Portinatx.

We'll be on the road for around 5 hours and spend roughly $40 on gas. We will arrive in Portinatx at 15h00 and eat at a beachside restaurant for about 50 euros per person. Then we'll swim, explore the local coves, and spend the night on a buoy, which will set us back an additional $35 per sailboat.

Day 6-7 Cala Portinatx - Port Olimpic

We will return to Port Olimpic in Barcelona on Saturday morning at 9h30; it will take us 24 to 30 hours to sail there, so we will arrive on Sunday between 10h00 and 15h00. Fuel is expected to cost around 80 dollars.

The Beneteau 393 is a well-behaved and easy-to-handle boat that offers luxury and performance in the 40-foot range of cruisers. She is an excellent bareboat or skippered charter yacht. A lovely sailing vessel, perfect for a yacht hire. The saloon and staterooms are bright and airy, thanks to the numerous portholes and hatches found throughout the ship. Three double berth cabins, one of which has an en-suite head.

This Beneteau Oceanis 393 has a large, well-protected cockpit and easy access all over the deck.

• To port, there is a double berth, and to starboard, there is a tiny bench.
• Headboards and storage chests in the en-suite
• The salon has a door to the port side and a linear galley to the starboard.
• To the port, there is a U-shaped sofa and a dining table, as well as a tiny bench seat with storage.
• Chart table to port, heads compartment to starboard
• Aft rooms with twin beds, hanging lockers, and storage on port and starboard.
• Access to the engine is by a hinged companion way

The watercraft characteristics comprise of:

  • Length: 12m
  • Beam: 3.96m
  • Max. Capacity: 8
  • Draft: 1.90m
  • Cabins: 3
  • Berths: 8
  • Engine: 55Hp
  • Fuel tank capacity: 150L
  • Fresh water capacity:225L
Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Beneteau
Model: Beneteau 393
Proizvedena godina: 2002
Ne. Kabina: 3
Ne. 8
Duljina (metra): 12
Širina (metra): 3.96
Nacrt (metri): 1.9
Motor: u HP -u: 55
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 8
Kapacitet spremnika za gorivo: 150 ltr
Kapacitet svježe vode: 150 ltr

Pojedinosti o dostupnosti

Raspored za prijavu: (Na dan odlaska) 22:00
Raspored za odjavu: (Na dan dolaska) 15:00
Trajanje: (Dani/tjedni) 7 Days

Pravila rezervacije

To experience an adventure sailing in Ibiza, we will propose a route, although it may vary depending on your preferences and on weather conditions.

Čitaj više

Opcije čartera

Ovaj je popis naveden za sljedeće opcije čartera.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

Napomena za goste:

Na temelju odabira opcije Charter postavljene za ovaj popis i vašeg odabira kako biste iskoristili ove opcije u okviru procesa rezervacije ove povelje, može se primjenjivati ​​dodatna naknada za npr.; Za korištenje usluge posade.

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Ne-show će rezultirati da se rezervira smatra oduzetom.

Dani koji nisu provedeni zbog rane odjave označeni su kao oduzeta.

Povrat pod kojim uvjetima i odredbama otkaza isključuje naknadu za uslugu Katerblue.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


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