Southampton, UK
Experienced skipper ready to roll wheels. I've been in the ocean for over 10 years and have handled all types of yachts and boats. Motorboat is my favorite.
Take responsibility for the conduct of staff during the trip. Report irregularities to management. Take in charge of the vessel whilst on charter and assume the responsibility for the safety and well-being of the clients and crew.
I am insured fully for my life and medical safety.
Lyxig yacht
5-10 år
48 timmes / 2 dags
Veckovis basis
RYA dag skeppare
RYA Yachtmaster kustnära
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean
Experienced skipper ready to roll wheels. I've been in the ocean for over 10 years and have handled all types of yachts and boats. Motorboat is my favorite.
Experienced skipper ready to roll wheels. I've been in the ocean for over 10 years and have handled all types of yachts and boats. Motorboat is my favorite.
Experienced skipper ready to roll wheels. I've been in the ocean for over 10 years and have handled all types of yachts and boats. Motorboat is my favorite.
Experienced skipper ready to roll wheels. I've been in the ocean for over 10 years and have handled all types of yachts and boats. Motorboat is my favorite.
Inget svar eller frånvaro av kontakt vid utgången av uthyrningsdatumet kommer att resultera i att bokningen betraktas som förverkad.
Southampton, UK
Southampton, UK
Exakta anvisningar till avgångsplatsen kommer att tillhandahållas efter en bekräftad bokning.