Antibes, France
Några månader
72 Timmar / 1 dag
My name is Frida, and I am a 23-year-old Norwegian, actively seeking a deckhand position on board a vessel.
After several years of studying and working part-time, I am ready to broaden my level of experience in a different setting. Despite my great love for the outdoors, the ocean, water-sports, and being active, I am currently doing a degree in International Relations in Cambridge, with the intention to return to yachting next summer after finishing my degree. Therefore, I am now looking for seasonal and temporary work during my summer break until September.
Through my years of working, I have gained invaluable experience and skills, such as teamwork, and handling high-paced and challenging environments. I have previously been a swimmer and swimming instructor, where I gave PT-sessions to those with specific goals within the sport. Following, I served in the Norwegian military, where being well organised and having attention to detail was highly important.
I am a fast learner, in addition to being a determined and highly motivated individual. I believe my strong work ethic, ability to follow instructions, and function under pressure will reward you for giving me the opportunity to gain experience as a part of your crew.
I am currently located in Antibes, and I am available immediately. I look forward to being given the opportunity to join a dynamic, experienced and professional team to learn and grow within the industry.
I am interested in photography, and everything creative within that field. I have previously done some video editing and drone flying, in addition to regular photography, and would be happy to offer this in my position onboard.
Några månader
72 timmes / 1 dag
Veckovis basis
Sanitation Level 2, Norwegian Defence.
Swimming Instructor Course (beginner and advanced)
CPR Course, Norwegian Swimming Association
STCW (exp. 2027), PSA (exp. 2027), Powerboat Level 2, Food & Hygiene Level 2, ENG1 (exp. 2024)
*Licens- och tilldelningsdokument: Uppladdad
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Mediterranean Sea
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