Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, France
We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.
Operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.
Lyxig yacht
Några månader
24 timmes / 1 dag
Veckovis basis
Annual basis
RYA dag skeppare
RYA Yachtmaster kustnära
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean
MCA kvalificerad
IYT Internationell besättning
IYT Flottiljskeppare
IYT skeppare för bareboat
IYT Yachtmaster Kust
IYT Yachtmaster Offshore
Motorbåtsmästare (MCA)
We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.
We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.
We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.
We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.
Inget svar eller frånvaro av kontakt vid utgången av uthyrningsdatumet kommer att resultera i att bokningen betraktas som förverkad.
Mediterranean Sea
Exakta anvisningar till avgångsplatsen kommer att tillhandahållas efter en bekräftad bokning.