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Athens, Greece
230 SIB
Completamente operativo
The tiniest airboats possible!
They are perfect as tenders or for fishing close to the coast. The same premium materials used in all Barracuda boats are used in their construction. Although they are frequently employed as tenders, they may also serve as rescue boats if necessary
They are simple to construct, so you won't get into any problem with them. They come with a six-year warranty. Their actual lifespan is thought to be between 25 and 30 years.
Technical Specification Length out 2.30m Length in 1.62m Beam out 1.57m Beam in 0.88m Passengers 2 Weight 25kg Tube diameter 0.38m Air tubes 2 Grab handles 3 Maximum horsepower 5hp Maximum engine weight 30kg Design category D Warranty (tube) 6 years Tube material CSM – NEOPREN 1100 DTEX/1340gr/m² Keel material CSM – NEOPREN 1670 DTEX/1565gr/m² Floor material Marine plywood floorboard (high quality) Standard Equipment • One-way drain valve • Oars • Double action air pump • Repair kit Optional Equipment • Parking cover • Bimini top • Transportation bag • Davit lifting points (x3) • Launching wheels • Wooden bench • Fire extinguisher • Medicine chest
Le indicazioni esatte per raggiungere il luogo di partenza saranno fornite dopo la conferma della prenotazione.
Inserita da Jul 2022
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