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Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey
This structure was constructed in 1999. It took its final form after a makeover in 2020, which can see now. With its three crew members, this boat, which is 27 meters long and 7.30 meters wide, provides Blue Cruise services to guests. With a total of 6 cabins, this boat has 2 Master Cabins, 2 Double Cabins, and 2 Twin Cabins, all of which are more elegant and comfortable than the others, with their own WC and air conditioning. It has a 490 horsepower Caterpillar engine and an 11 + 20 kwa generator. The following are the prices: May-1438 , June-1840 , July- 2300 , August- 2300 , September-1840 , October -1438
Charter cancellation conditions: In case of cancellation of the charter, the following fee will be charged: 25% down payment if canceled at least 120 days before the tour date. 50% down payment if canceled 119-90 days before the tour date. 75% down payment if canceled 89-60 days before the tour date. 100% down payment if canceled 59-0 days before the tour date. will be charged as a cancellation fee. Due to Covid 19 pandemy, the date transfer for the next year is done without any charge.
Ta oferta dotyczy następujących opcji czarteru.
Z kapitanem i załogą jednocześnie
W oparciu o wybór opcji czarteru ustawionej dla tej oferty i wybór skorzystania z tych opcji w procesie rezerwacji tego czarteru, może obowiązywać dodatkowa opłata, np. za skorzystanie z usługi załogi.
Dokładne wskazówki dojazdu do miejsca odlotu zostaną podane po potwierdzeniu rezerwacji.
Notowanie od :czas
Torslanda, Sweden
Scarborough WA, Australia
Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France
Seattle, WA, USA
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