Explore greek islands with an Amazing Sailing Yacht in Alimos, Greece

Alimos, Greece


Type vandscooter



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This vessel, which was completed in 2022, features four double cabins, two single cabins, four bathrooms, and one smaller bathroom for the crew outdoors, as well as a saloon that can be converted into a double bed. Up to ten guests can be accommodated.

Air conditioning, generator, water maker, 2 electric refrigerators, freezer, rib dinghy, mp3 player music system with Bluetooth and auxiliary connection, heater with hot water, electric toilets, 6 hp outboard engine are all included. 500 gallons of diesel and 700 liters of water

For people spending their first sailing trip in Greece, the Saronic Gulf & Argolic Gulf, as well as the Peloponnese east coast, are the preferred sailing regions.

The new Athens international airport is conveniently located between the charter bases of Alimos (Kalamaki) marina and Lavrio port. The location has calm seas, requires little to no sailing expertise, and provides a variety of amenities, sightseeing, and a decent option between isolated bays, quiet coves, adventure, fun, nightlife, and activities suited to the style.

The Cyclades islands are maybe the world's most popular tourist destination.

The Cyclades provide both scenic and challenging sailing vacations. Apart from the well-known Mykonos and Santorini islands, there are other more with comparable beauty. We service two charter bases in the Cyclades: Lavrio and Paros. The region is well-known for its crystal-clear seas, sandy beaches, and powerful winds. The Cyclades islands demand moderate to expert sailing proficiency and abilities, as well as some prior experience, and provide a wide range of amenities and styles. Sunshine, dryness, rocky isles, white traditional buildings, and an infinite amount of beaches and nightlife options.

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Producent : Lagoon
Model : Lagoon 42
Fremstillet år : 2022
Antal kahytter : 6
Antal køjer : 10
Længde (meter) : 12.8
Bredde (meter) : 7.7
Dybgang (meter) : 1.35
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 10
Max bookbar kapacitet: 10

Detaljer om tilgængelighed

Tidsplan for check-in : 17:00
Tidsplan for udtjekning : 9:00


This listing is listed for the following charter options.

Kun med kaptajn

Bemærk til gæster:

Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.

Regler for booking

Prices • Before April 23rd : 3800€ • April 23rd-May 21st : 5200€ • May 21st- June 18th: 6400€ • June 18th- July 30th: 8100€ • July 30th- August 20th: 9800€ • August 20th- September 17th : 7700€ • September 17th – October 1st : 6500€ • October 1st – October 15th : 5000€ • After October 15th : 4100€

*Weekly prices *Prices do not include discounts *Prices include 12% VAT. If the appropriate VAT rate is changed by legislation prior to the start of the charter, the customer will be charged the difference in VAT.

Cancellation Policy: • Cancellation fee of 30% of the total charter fee, for bookings cancelled within a period of 120-90 days prior to boat embarkation • Cancellation fee of 50% of the total charter fee, for bookings cancelled within a period of 90-45 days prior to boat embarkation • Cancellation fee of 100% of the total fee, for bookings cancelled in a period less than 45 days prior to boat embarkation

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Depositum for skader : £ 0

Skadesdepositum refunderes fuldt ud til dig inden for 72 timer efter din udcheckning, med forbehold for eventuelle krav om brud/skader fra operatøren/ejeren.

Detaljer om forsikring

- KaterBlue sikrer, at alle både, der kan lejes, er forsikret af deres respektive ejere. Vi anbefaler kraftigt, at man tegner en rejseforsikring for at beskytte sig mod eventuelle hændelser eller tab, der opstår uden for båden. Mens bådejerne forsikrer deres både, yachts, besætning og gæster mod brand, kollisioner og andre ulykker til søs, er gæsterne ansvarlige for at beskytte deres værdigenstande under turen. Hvis de foretrækker det, kan gæsterne aflevere deres værdigenstande til bådens kaptajn, så de kan blive opbevaret sikkert. I tilfælde af en ulykke eller katastrofe er det bådkaptajnens ansvar straks at informere KaterBlue eller dennes repræsentant. Hvis bådejerne ikke har tegnet de nødvendige forsikringer, vil de blive holdt fuldt ansvarlige. Lejere og gæster, der ønsker at dyrke vandsport, gør det på egen risiko og bør sikre sig, at de har deres egen forsikringsdækning.


Nøjagtige anvisninger til afgangsstedet vil blive givet efter en bekræftet reservation.

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Fremragendefra 5 anmeldelser
100% kunder anbefaler
Priser fra
£ 456/dag
£ 0

(maksimum 10 gæster)

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£ 456 /dag