Delizie turche Crociera blu di una settimana a Marmaris, Turchia

Marmaris Turkey


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N. cuccette



Embark on an enchanting maritime odyssey, a "Blue Voyage" of unparalleled beauty, where every day unfurls new wonders. From the moment you step aboard your rental yacht in Marmaris, you're welcomed by our experienced captain and attentive crew. They ensure your complete comfort and eagerly answer any queries about your upcoming voyage. As you settle into the inviting embrace of your vessel, the city of Marmaris beckons with its rich tapestry of history and nature, setting the stage for the captivating journey that lies ahead. Join us on this splendid adventure through the azure waters, lush forests, and ancient ruins of the Turkish coastline, where each day promises new experiences and cherished memories.

Marmaris, with its azure waters and abundant forests, is a city rooted in time, offering a captivating blend of nature and culture. After a day of exploration, your rental yacht becomes a haven for a splendid dinner and a night of soothing sea breezes.

On the second day, you'll wake up to Marmaris' warm embrace and set sail to Ekincik, a tranquil harbor surrounded by nature's bounty. Here, you can immerse yourself in untouched beauty, indulge in small water activities, and even take a dip in the healing waters of Sultaniye Hot Springs. The soothing springs and local shops will ensure a memorable day in Ekincik.

The third day welcomes you with Adali Bay, where you'll witness breathtaking vistas while basking in the gentle embrace of the deep blue sea. A trip to Monastery Bay, also known as Hamam Bay, with its historical bath ruins and geological wonders, adds depth to your journey. Exploring Lydae, an ancient city of Lycia, promises a taste of history amid a mesmerizing landscape. Tersane Island, adorned with ancient rum houses, marks the day's end with timeless charm.

The fourth day begins with a visit to Kızıl Island, where you'll encounter nature's marvels like rabbits and goats. It's a paradise for divers and snorkeling enthusiasts, featuring a famous lighthouse that turns the landscape into a picture-perfect postcard. The day concludes as your rental yacht sails into Fethiye, a city that marries rich history with the breathtaking beauty of Ölüdeniz. Paragliding from Babadağı offers an exhilarating experience, and the day is capped with memories of crystal-clear waters and the azure sky.

Day five finds you in Göcek, a picturesque harbor offering both natural beauty and local charm. Wander the streets, connect with the friendly locals, and discover small shops and eateries. The town is a hub for yachts, making it perfect for those keen on nautical adventures. Yassıca Island becomes your tranquil haven for the night, with a romantic sunset painting a memorable canvas.

The sixth day begins in Bedri Rahmi Bay, known for the "fish drawing" etched into a rock by the intellectual artist Bedri Rahmi. The bay's history, lush streets, and turquoise waters provide a haven of safety and relaxation. Domuz Island, named after wild boars, adds more splendor to your day, with hidden ruins and vibrant flora beneath its azure waters. The day concludes in Ağa Harbour, offering a peaceful night's rest.

The seventh day starts with Kumlubük Bay, famous for its pristine beach and exciting water activities. Cool off in the clear waters or enjoy fun-filled activities like banana rides or jet-ski adventures. A picturesque lunch awaits with the view of Paradise Island, offering relaxation amid lush pine forests and serene beaches.

Your journey comes full circle as you sail back to Marmaris, a city that witnessed your adventure's inception. The voyage concludes with a final evening feast and night's rest aboard your rental yacht.

Your journey ends on the eighth day, marked by a heartfelt farewell to the shimmering city of Marmaris. Cherish the incredible memories, the comfort of your rental yacht, and the warmth of the journey. As you savor a carefully prepared breakfast, you're ready to face the world, renewed and invigorated by your "Blue Voyage" with Ramses Yachting.

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Produttore : Loal Built
Modello : L679
Numero di cabine : 6
N. Cuccette : 12
Lunghezza (metri) : 29
Larghezza (metri) : 7.25
Motore: in HP : 450
Capacità massima autorizzata Capacità massima autorizzata: 12
Capacità massima prenotabile: 12

Dettagli sulla disponibilità

Orario per il check-in : 17:00
Orario per il check-out : 10:00
Durata: 7 Days

Opzioni di noleggio

Questo annuncio è disponibile per le seguenti opzioni di noleggio.

Con Capitano ed Equipaggio

5 Crew members

Servizio pick & drop
- No

Carburante incluso nel prezzo?
- Yes

Gli ospiti possono portare la propria

Nota per gli ospiti:

In base alla scelta dell'opzione di noleggio impostata per questo annuncio e alla vostra scelta di avvalervi di queste opzioni durante il processo di prenotazione di questo charter, potrebbe essere applicata una tariffa extra, ad esempio per l'utilizzo del servizio di equipaggio.

Regole di prenotazione

Deposito danni : £0

Il deposito cauzionale viene interamente rimborsato entro 72 ore dal checkout, a condizione che l'operatore/proprietario non abbia richiesto il risarcimento per danni o rotture.


Le indicazioni esatte per raggiungere il luogo di partenza saranno fornite dopo la conferma della prenotazione.

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