Socorrista salvavidas

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Experience Crew


5-10 anni

Soonest Available Crew

Pronto in

24 oras / 1 giorno

Duration crew

Prenotabile per


I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along.

This is what I can be useful for;

  • Alert and warn swimmers ob-board of improper activities or danger and enforce deck regulations and water safety policies
  • I will administer first aid in the event of injury, rescues swimmers in distress or danger of drowning, and administers CPR and/or artificial respiration, if necessary.

You want a life savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)

Leggi di più

Altri campi di servizio in offerta

Alert and warn swimmers ob-board of improper activities or danger and enforce deck regulations and water safety policies. I will administer first aid in the event of injury, rescues swimmers in distress or danger of drowning, and administers CPR and/or artificial respiration, if necessary.

Dettagli sull'assicurazione


Being a life-guard, the safety comes first and I am always intact and sensitive towards by safety. Yes, I am insured with all matters.

Tipo di imbarcazione su cui si è fatto esperienza:

Yacht a motore

Barca a motore

Barca a vela


Casa galleggiante



Personale di crociera

Anni di esperienza in equipaggio:

5-10 years

Saremo disponibili al più presto entro:

24 oras / 1 giorno

Durata disponibile per


Base mensile

Miglia marine (NM) sviluppate finora:


Altre qualifiche:

Competente RYA

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean

Capacità e conoscenze:

I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along. You want a life-savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)

Licenze e riconoscimenti:

I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along. You want a life-savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)

* I documenti caricati saranno visibili dopo la conferma della prenotazione.


I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along. You want a life-savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)


I've been a Lifeguard saving lives for over 20 years in the bays of Gdańsk, Poland. I love sailing and meet amazing crew on-board. The way I see the world from the vision of the sea, it is nothing like other. I am a former national swimming champion and have received several awards and recognitions. You will find my documents along. You want a life-savior, I am at your service, ready for duty :)

Punti di forza dell'equipaggio

Nuotatore sicuro di sé
Buon ascoltatore e comunicatore
Nessun piercing sul corpo/viso
Improbabile mal di mare
Nessun tatuaggio
Impegnato nel lavoro
In forma e in salute
Mentalità aperta
Senso dell'umorismo
Piacere di cucinare
Piacere di fare da guida
Capacità di manutenzione

Motivazione e interessi nell'equipaggio

Sviluppare esperienze
Viaggiare in posti nuovi
Tipo avventuroso
Imparare le lingue
Connettersi con le persone

Preferenze finanziarie

Posso pagare le mie spese
Preferisco il rimborso spese
Preferisco il vitto incluso

Regole di cancellazione :

Flexible Politica

In caso di mancata risposta o di assenza di contatto entro la data di assunzione, la prenotazione sarà considerata decaduta.

Disponibile a lavorare in queste regioni:

Gdańsk, Poland

Gdańsk, Poland

Posizione attuale

Le indicazioni esatte per raggiungere il luogo di partenza saranno fornite dopo la conferma della prenotazione.


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Molto buono
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Judyta DudaVerificato

Inserita da Apr 2021

da £150/giorno

Costo aggiunto:

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  • {{total_price_html}}
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0 Recensione