Incredibile tour di osservazione di balene e delfini a Trincomalee, Sri Lanka

Trincomalee, Sri Lanka

Motor Boat

Tipo di imbarcazione

Barca a motore

Tipo di esperienza


4 Days

Max. Persona

6 persone


Trincomalee is Sri Lanka's most popular east coast beachfront town, known for its fluffy sandy beach and turquoise blue shallow waters. Trincomalee has recently gained popularity as a fantastic place to observe whales and dolphins. From March through September, sperm whales, blue whales, and spring dolphins can be seen off Trinco's eastern coast.

We are a well-known Whale and Dolphin Watching Company in Trincomalee, and we have had fantastic sightings of Blue Whales, Sperm Whales, and Dolphins.

Our organization organizes a spectacular tour to Pigeon Island, which is one of the greatest sites to observe corals and hundreds of Blue Rock Pigeons, as well as a fishing tour for a fantastic adventure in fishing activities.

In our specific types of packages, we create personal tour groups of people on our boats to experience the trincomalee's scenic entertainments. Join us as we take in the breathtaking sights and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Spend your vacation with our Whale and Dolphin Watching Tour in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka's most popular east coast town known for its sandy beaches and brilliant blue shallow seas. This ocean offers the finest opportunities to witness marine giants, whales, and dolphins.

Let us sail and enjoy the excursion to observe Whales and Dolphins off Sri Lanka's east coast while appreciating the enchanting beauty of the Nilaveli ocean.

* 3 to 4 hours whale-watching tour in every morning 6 am. * Discover Blue whales and dolphins and more ! * High success rate of sighting whales * Travel in the spectacular Nilaveli ocean * Accompanied by a experienced naturalist * A once-in-a-lifetime experience !

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Produttore : Neil marine
Modello : custom model
Lunghezza (metri) : 5.6
Larghezza (metri) : 1.37
Motore: in HP : 15
Capacità massima autorizzata Capacità massima autorizzata: 6

Regole di prenotazione

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Questo annuncio è disponibile per le seguenti opzioni di noleggio.

With Captain and Crew both

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In base alla scelta dell'opzione di noleggio impostata per questo annuncio e alla vostra scelta di avvalervi di queste opzioni durante il processo di prenotazione di questo charter, potrebbe essere applicata una tariffa extra, ad esempio per l'utilizzo del servizio di equipaggio.

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Inserita da Apr 2022

Tariffe a partire da
6 Ospiti in massimo

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