4 cabin rental Gulet is 17 meters long and provides accommodation for up to 8 passengers in 4 air-conditioned cabins.
4 double cabins.
Passenger capacity Maximum 8 people in Turkish and foreign waters.
In all cabins; air conditioning, shower, WC, bathroom and hand towels.
In lounge; Music system, sitting group, dining area.
Air conditioning use 4 hours daily.
Full safety equipment, sailing equipment, navigation equipment, life jackets, fire extinguishers.
Floor is teak, sitting group on the back deck and dining table, sitting area on the front deck, sunbathing areas, music system, sea ladder, shower.
Oven, refrigerator, freezer, beverage cooler, ice machine, coffee machine.
Service boat, fishing equipment, mask fins snorkel.
Backgammon, okey, playing cards.
We offer full board accommodation for your yacht charter. You can choose between standard, luxury or deluxe menus and pay between 35 and 75 Euros per person per day.
You can supply your other beverages or you can order us.
All service is provided by boat staff.
Most of the gulets are rented on a WEEKLY basis from Saturday to Saturday, especially during high season (June-July-August-September). Smaller gulets with lower capacity can be rented for shorter periods. In May and October, which is called the Low Season, charters can be done for any period.
The time of boarding is after 3.00 pm on Saturdays and disembarkation is by 10.00 am following Saturday.
The Gulf of Gokova with its unique natural beauties, extremely clean sea, dense and sheltered bays, maintains its first place among the Blue Cruise Routes in Turkey. We can say that the Gulf of Gokova should definitely be tried for a peaceful and memorable Blue Cruise experience in Turkey.
Day 1: Bodrum. Boarding around 15:00. Overnight stay in a nearby bay
Day 2: Orak Island-Cokertme
Day 3: Seven Islands-Kufre-English Harbor
Day 4: Cleopatra Island-Karacasogut
Day 5: Longoz Bay-Tuzla Bay
Day 6: Kargili Bay-Kissebuku
Day 7: Pabuc Burnu-Yali Ciftlik Bay
Day 8: Bodrum. After breakfast, farewell time is the latest 10 am.
The Gulf of Hisaronu route is one of the most loved Blue Cruise Routes in Turkey. It is a perfect route that combines historical sites like Knidos ancient city, small villages like Dathca, Selimiye, and Bozburun, crystal clear bays surrounded with pine trees and some bays with lovely local restaurants that can be reached only by boat.
Day 1: Bodrum. Boarding around 15:00. Overnight stay in a nearby bay.
Day 2: Palamutbuku-Ince Burun
Day 3: Aktur Bay-Bencik Bay
Day 4: Emel Sayin Bay-Orhaniye Bay-Selimiye Bay
Day 5: Dirsek Bükü-Bozburun
Day 6: Datca-Knidos
Day 7: Kara Ada-Meteor Bay-Poyraz Harbor
Day 8: Bodrum. After breakfast, the latest farewell time is 10.00 am.
See you on another blue cruise…
This listing is listed for the following charter options.
Med både kapten och besättning
crew of 2
Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.
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- KaterBlue ser till att alla båtar som är tillgängliga för uthyrning är försäkrade av sina respektive ägare. Vi rekommenderar starkt att du tecknar en reseförsäkring för att skydda dig mot eventuella incidenter eller förluster som inträffar utanför båten. Även om båtägarna försäkrar sina båtar, yachter, besättning och gäster mot brand, kollisioner och andra marina olyckor, är gästerna ansvariga för att skydda sina värdesaker under turen. Om de föredrar det kan gästerna lämna över sina värdeföremål till båtens kapten för förvaring. I händelse av en olycka eller katastrof är det båtkaptenernas ansvar att omedelbart informera KaterBlue eller dess representant. Om båtägarna inte har vidtagit nödvändiga försäkringsåtgärder kommer de att hållas fullt ansvariga. Befraktare och gäster som vill ägna sig åt vattensporter gör det på egen risk och bör se till att de har ett eget försäkringsskydd.
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