Verkauf Voll funktionsfähige Segelyacht Dufour 385 Ibiza-Spanien

Ibiza, Spain

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Sailing Yacht




Dufour 385




Vollständig betriebsbereit


Beautiful Dufour 385 in excellent shape! Dufour has created a fine sailing ship with this design. The teak in the cockpit, cockpit seats, and the lovely teak cockpit table have all been well maintained. The yacht’s interior is roomy, including a large toilet/shower area. Lovely alcantara upholstery. This beautiful boat is ready to go!

The owner's version is a highly successful model that is both stylish and comfy. three cabins and two bathrooms give adequate space and opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of the sea for extended periods of time. You can completely enjoy the cockpit owing to the twin wheelhouse, which provides extra room, and the bimini, which provides shade from the sun. Raymarine electronics are also included, as is an autopilot.

With a length of 11.72m (39 feet), the Dufour 385 easily accommodates 6 - 8 persons for weekend or longer journeys. You won't feel constrained or cramped with a big cockpit, dual wheels, and central access over the transom. To facilitate handling, all reefing lines and halyards are routed forward to the cockpit.

She has a large interior that sleeps eight passengers in three double cabins and the salon. The bunks in the front and aft cabins are at least 2m long. There are two shower heads (forward and aft).There is a huge U-shaped couch to starboard with a center fixed settee so that everyone may sit comfortably around the saloon table.

There is a minimum headroom of 1.94m in the saloon. There is a central galley with double sinks, a fridge, a two-burner stove, and plenty of storage. There is also a typical chart table to navigate from.

Equipments • shower • probe • autopilot • radar • VHF • GPS • electric refrigerator • Two WC according to regulations • living room table • radio beacon • sun canopy • electric windlass • life raft • Tire and engine 2.5 • Racio CD and TV • Battery charger • aft davit • wheelhouse doors • Two bilge pumps • 220V socket • Bath sun awning • kitchen, microwave

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Hersteller : Dufour
Modell : Dufour 385
Herstellungsjahr : 2005
Anzahl Kabinen 3
Anzahl Kojen 8
Länge (Meter) : 11.37
Breite (Meter) : 3.93
Motor: in PS : 40HP
Max. zugelassene: 8


Zustand: Vollständig betriebsbereit
Jahr der Erstzulassung: 2005
Flagge:   Spain

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