Halbtägiges Kreuzfahrt-Segelerlebnis in Gipuzkoa, Spanien

Gipuzkoa Spain

Motor Boat




Max. Person

12 person


Embark on a captivating 4-hour charter that explores the picturesque landscapes of Donostia, Pasaia, Jaizkibel, Hondarribia, and back to Donostia. The adventure begins as you board at the port of Donostia-San Sebastian at either 11:30 AM or 5:00 PM, setting the stage for an unforgettable maritime journey.

The first anchorage awaits in the crystal-clear waters of La Concha, providing an opportunity to take a refreshing swim at Santa Clara Island or within the embrace of La Concha bay. Feel the sea breeze and the gentle lull of the waves as you immerse yourself in the beauty of this renowned bay.

As the voyage continues, the Brai becomes your vessel of discovery along a carefully curated tourist route. Marvel at iconic landmarks such as the mouth of the Urumea river, Zurriola beach, the majestic cliffs of mount Ulía, the captivating Bay of Pasaia, the rugged Jaizkibel cliffs, and the scenic Txingudi Bay at the mouth of the river Bidasoa near Hendaya.

The journey unfolds with a second anchorage in Hondarribia, where the option to bathe in the sea is complemented by the crew's preparation of a delectable buffet-style catering. Indulge in the flavors of the region with a spread featuring typical local products, adding a culinary highlight to your maritime experience.

For those who have chosen the Brai buffet, it's time to relish a delightful lunch amidst the scenic surroundings. The sailing route then takes you towards the twin Dumbas of Hendaia, offering breathtaking views of Ondarraitz beach and the historic castle of l´Abbadie.

As the Brai charts its course back to Donostia, keep a lookout for the possibility of spotting dolphins or other marine species, adding an element of marine wildlife discovery to your journey. The return leg culminates with a return to La Concha bay, where a Brai souvenir photo captures the essence of this remarkable experience.

The adventure concludes with disembarking options between 3:30 PM and 4:00 PM or between 9:00 PM and 9:30 PM, leaving you with cherished memories of a day spent exploring the enchanting coastal gems of the Basque Country.

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Hersteller : Local Built
Modell : Quer
Länge (Meter) : 9.1
Breite (Meter) : 2.7
Tiefgang (Meter) : 1.5
Max. zugelassene: 12

Details zur Verfügbarkeit

Schedule for check-in:
( Am Tag der Abreise )
Schedule for check-out:
( Am Tag der Ankunft )
( Tage/Wochen )
4:00 Hour



Dieses Angebot ist für die folgenden Charter-Optionen aufgeführt.

With Captain Only

Hinweis für Gäste:

Basierend auf der Wahl der Charter-Option, die für dieses Angebot eingestellt wurde, und Ihrer Wahl, diese Optionen während des Buchungsprozesses zu nutzen, können zusätzliche Gebühren anfallen, z.B. für die Nutzung eines Crew-Service.


Strict Politik

Bei Nichterscheinen verfällt die Reservierung.

Nicht in Anspruch genommene Tage aufgrund von vorzeitigem.

Rückerstattungen gemäß den Stornierungsbedingungen schließen die KaterBlue-Servicegebühr aus.


Eine genaue Wegbeschreibung zum Abfahrtsort erhalten Sie nach einer bestätigten Buchung.


Mitglied seit Dec 2023

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12 Gäste in maximal

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