تجربة رائعة مع ماندو جانجا في بالابيتيا ، سريلانكا

Balapitiya, Sri Lanka

Motor Boat

نوع الزوارق

قارب بمحرك


السعة القصوى



عدد المقصورة



عدد المواليد



A river safari in a boat along Madu Ganga will allow you to observe and experience numerous interesting sights and activities. Visit the Madu Ganga River for an unforgettable experience.

We provide a boat trip around the Madu Ganga river while you are staying at the Eco Isle. River Safari is a necessity if you are camping near a river. Boat riding provides a unique experience when camping along the MAdu Ganga in Balapitiya due to the abundance of activities available.

There are several things to see and enjoy. including, • Watch and travel around the Madu Ganga Islands, including Satha Paha Doowa. • Cinnamon manufacturing demonstrations • Fish therepy Temple on Kothduwa Island

This is an island in the midst of the Madu Ganga river near Balapitiya (Southern Province of Sri Lanka). We offer our property to tourists who want to enjoy an incredible time on a green island doing intriguing things.

In Madu Ganga river, have a once-in-a-lifetime massage by Doctor fishes. A foot massage from hundreds of Doctor Fishes is one of the unique sensations you may enjoy in the Madu Ganga river. When visiting the Madu Ganga, both local and foreign visitors are drawn to fish treatment, which is always a unique experience.

The fish used to deliver theray is known as a Doctor fish, and there are several species of Doctor fish to select from. There aren't many places that provide this service, and you're invited to check it out while rowing along the Madu Ganga.

The Kothduwa Buddhist Temple is a famous stop on the Madu Ganga river safari.The majority of Sri Lankans practice Buddhism as their primary religion. Lord Buddhua founded Nibbana and communicated what he discovered through Budhism teachings.

In Sri Lanka, there are hundreds of temples that disseminate Bhudist teachings. Kothduwa Temple, also known as Kothduwa Raja Maha Viharaya, is one of them, and it is located on Kothduwa Island in Madu Ganga. We provide boat cruises to this island where you may experience the tranquility that has collected around the temple.

Travel to a Cinnamon producing island on the Madu Ganga river in southern Sri Lanka. Cinnamon is both a spice and a medicinal herb. Sri Lanka exports cinnamon goods all over the world, and the processes involved in producing diverse items are fascinating to observe.

While on the boat journey along the Madu Ganga, you may stop by the Cinnamon Production Area, which shows you how to produce various cinnamon-based goods.

Satha Paha doowa, the smallest island in the Madu Ganga, may be seen on a river safari.

The Madu Ganga has around 60 islands, many of which are spectacular. One of them is more unique for a variety of reasons. Satha Paha doowa, or 5 cent island, is the smallest of the Madu Ganga islands. It is known as satha paha doowa (5 cent island) because its form is comparable to the ancient Sri Lankan 5 cent currency. It also features a modest edifice that serves as a Hindu temple (Hindu Kowil. You will be able to view it for yourself while traveling on our boat tour.

اقرأ أكثر


الشركة المصنعة : Local built
نموذج : Custom made
الطول (متر) : 5.48
العرض (متر) : 1.82
السعة القصوى المصرح بها: 8
أقصى قدرة قابلة للحجز: 12

خيارات التأجير

يتم سرد هذه القائمة لخيارات التأجير التالية.

مع الكابتن فقط

ملاحظة للضيوف:

بناء على اختيار خيار التأجير المحدد لهذه القائمة واختيارك للاستفادة من هذه الخيارات في إطار عملية حجز هذا اللتأجير, قد يتم تطبيق رسوم إضافية, على سبيل المثال; للاستفادة من خدمة الطاقم.

قواعد الحجز

RULE: This charter is for a 1:5 hours of charters.

إيداع الضرر : £0

يتم رد مبلغ التأمين ضد التلف بالكامل إليك في غضون 72 ساعة من تسجيل الخروج ، مع مراعاة أي مطالبات تتعلق بالكسر / التلف من قبل المشغل / المالك.

قواعد الإلغاء

Moderate سياسة

سيؤدي عدم الحضور إلى اعتبار الحجز مصادرا.

يتم وضع علامة على الأيام التي لم تنفق على حساب الرحلات المبكرة على أنها مصادرة.

المبالغ المستردة بموجب أي شروط وأحكام إلغاء تستثني رسوم الخدمة الزرقاء اللاحقة.


سيتم توفير الاتجاهات الدقيقة إلى موقع المغادرة بعد تأكيد الحجز.

التي تديرها

Lalith التحقق

عرض الملف الشخصي

قائمة منذ Aug 2022

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(الحد الأقصى 12 ضيوف)

احجز الآناحجز الآن
إرسال استفسار
£26 /يوم