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Habaraduwa, Sri Lanka
8 henkilö
With a great bio diversity, Sri Lanka is a paradise for all nature lovers. Some places are exceptionally beautiful, attracting hundreds of visitors with their enchanting landscapes and tranquil atmosphere.
The Madu River safari is a relaxing trip with lots of interesting sights. You'll pass dozens of tiny islands densely forested with mangroves, see old temples, and watch the locals cultivate cinnamon. Madu Ganga is Sri Lanka's second largest wetland, consisting of 64 islands, including two main islands inhabited by 215 families. This wetland covers an area of 900 hectares, with water covering the majority of it.
The Madu River is located in southern Sri Lanka. The river is dotted with small islands, and the banks are all covered in lush mangrove forests that are home to dozens of amazing animal species. Depending on the time of year, visitors can see hundreds of dazzling tropical birds and a few crocodiles. Some of these creatures are extremely uncommon.
The Madu River empties into the sea at Balapitiya. Cinnamon and cinnamon oil are produced by the people of its islets. Madu Ganga has played an important role in providing food and shelter, as well as easy access to the main land via small wooden boats, over the years.
Explore the natural beauty of the Madu River by a boat. There will be kraal-fishing structures and fishermen rowing in rowing boats to collect their catch for the day. In this lovely madu river safari, you will pass through several islands and stop at a cinnamon island to see the cinnamon making process. You'll also go to an island temple. You will be taken to Natural Fish Therapy in Madu Ganga boat ride at the end of this memorable boat tour. Most of us who have taken a bath in a natural water resource, such as a river or a lake, have probably encountered a few fish bits. But have you ever considered experiencing natural fish spa therapy? madu river boat safari provide natural foot massage from hundreds of fish."
Madu Ganga was introduced to fish therapy several years ago. There are now several locations along this river that provide fish therapy. Different types of fish are placed in tanks, and visitors can immerse their feet in these tanks, causing the fish to bite. When they nibble on your dead skin on your feet, you will feel tickled. It's a fantastic experience.
This tour will take around 2 and half hours and it’s advisable to bring drinking water, Sunglasses, sunscreens and hats as some boats do not have a hood.
Tämä listaus on lueteltu seuraavia charter vaihtoehtoja varten.
Kapteenin ja miehistön kanssa
Perustuen tälle listalle asetettuun tilausvaihtoehtoon ja valintaasi käyttää näitä vaihtoehtoja tämän charterin varausprosessin aikana, voidaan soveltaa lisämaksua, esim. miehistöpalvelun käytöstä.
Jos et saavu paikalle, varaus katsotaan menetetyksi.
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