Akdeniz'e Yelken Haftalık Kiralama Sassari, italya

Sassari Italy

Motor Yacht

Deniz Taşıtları Tipi

Motorlu Yat


Maksimum Kapasite



Kabin Numarası



Yatak Sayısı



As you embark on your one-week yacht charter adventure in Stintino, Italy, you'll find yourself in a Mediterranean paradise. The journey begins in Stintino, a charming coastal town blessed with postcard-perfect scenery. The star attraction here is La Pelosa Beach, where the powdery white sand and crystal-clear waters will immediately capture your heart. Take a leisurely swim, sunbathe, or explore the historic Torre della Pelosa that stands sentinel over the beach. You'll savor the tranquil atmosphere and enjoy the warm hospitality of the locals. Your night will be spent in Stintino Marina, where you can relish a meal at a waterfront restaurant while gazing at the twinkling stars.

Day 2: Asinara Island - Nature's Sanctuary

Your yacht charter continues to Asinara Island, a protected national park known for its untouched beauty. Cala Reale, once home to a penal colony, is a fascinating historical site, and the turquoise waters here are perfect for snorkeling. Further along, Cala d'Oliva invites you to drop anchor in a serene setting surrounded by lush vegetation. This island escape provides a unique opportunity to explore both nature and history, offering a true sanctuary away from the bustling world.

Day 3: Asinara Island - Serenity Unleashed

The third day unfolds with more of Asinara's pristine beauty. Cala Sabina's untouched shores and clear waters are sure to inspire tranquility. For snorkeling enthusiasts, Punta Negra is a rocky promontory with underwater caves to explore. As the day draws to a close, you'll anchor in the secluded Cala Unia, where the sounds of nature will serenade you under the stars. This remote cove lets you appreciate the beauty of Sardinia's wild side.

Day 4: Stintino's Hidden Gems

Returning to Stintino, you'll appreciate its magnetic allure once again. The day is spent relaxing on Spiaggia delle Saline, where the salt flats add a unique touch to the landscape. Tonnara Saline Beach, another nearby gem, boasts clear waters and an idyllic setting. After a day of beachcombing and swimming, you'll find your yacht anchored in the Stintino Marina, surrounded by the town's bustling yet laid-back atmosphere.

Day 5: Castelsardo - Timeless Charm

On the fifth day, set sail for Castelsardo, a town steeped in history and charm. Its well-preserved historic center features winding streets and a medieval castle that provides panoramic views of the coast. Immerse yourself in the local culture and cuisine at a waterfront restaurant, savoring fresh seafood dishes. Spend the night in Castelsardo Marina, surrounded by ancient walls and the enchanting ambiance of this coastal gem.

Day 6: Porto Torres - Roman Relics

Next, you'll cruise to Porto Torres, a historic port city with an array of attractions. Explore the grand Basilica of San Gavino and the Antiquarium Turritano to learn about the city's history. The Roman ruins, including thermal baths and a necropolis, offer a glimpse into the past. As the sun sets over Porto Torres, your yacht will provide a comfortable haven for the night.

Day 7: Alghero - The Grand Finale

Your journey concludes in the captivating coastal town of Alghero. This medieval city is known for its Catalan influence, evident in its architecture and culture. Wander the historic old town, lose yourself in narrow alleys, and discover charming shops and restaurants. If time allows, consider a visit to Neptune's Grotto, a stunning sea cave. As you enjoy a farewell dinner at a local restaurant, you'll reminisce about the incredible beauty and experiences of your one-week yacht charter in Stintino, Italy, leaving with cherished memories of this enchanting region.

daha fazla oku


Üretici firma : Azimut
Kalıp : Azimut 43
Kabin Numarası : 2
Rıhtım Sayısı : 6
Uzunluk (metre) : 12.9
Genişlik (metre) : 4.22
Taslak (metre) : 1.27
İzin Verilen Maksimum Kapasite: 6
Maksimum Rezerve Edilebilir Kapasite: 6
Yakıt Deposu Kapasitesi: 1100 ltr
Tatlı Su Kapasitesi: 1100 ltr
Max. Speed (in Kn): 31.00 kn
Cruising Speed (in Kn): 26.00 kn

Kullanılabilirlik Ayrıntıları

Check-in programı : 10:00
Çıkış takvimi : 17:00
Süre: 7 Days

Kiralama Seçenekleri

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- Yes

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Misafirler için not:

Bu liste için belirlenen kiralama seçeneğinin seçimine ve bu kiralama rezervasyonu sürecinde bu seçeneklerden yararlanma tercihinize bağlı olarak, örneğin Mürettebat hizmetinden yararlanmak için ekstra bir ücret uygulanabilir.

Rezervasyon kuralları


Breakfast Bed linen Snack Lunch dinner Fuel Captain

Hasar depozitosu : £0

Hasar Depozitosu, Operatör / Mal Sahibinin herhangi bir kırılma / hasar talebine tabi olarak, ödemenizden sonraki 72 saat içinde size tamamen iade edilir.

İptal Kuralları

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Erken check-out nedeniyle harcanmayan günler kaybedilmiş olarak işaretlenir.

Herhangi bir iptal hüküm ve koşulundaki iadeler, KaterBlue hizmet ücretini kapsamaz.


Rezervasyon onaylandıktan sonra kalkış yerine tam yol tarifi verilecektir.

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£1,780 / gün