Gündüz Kiralama Kıyı Cazibeleri ve Gizli Koylar Sassari, İtalya

Sassari Italy

Motor Yacht

Deniz Taşıtları Tipi

Motorlu Yat


Maksimum Kapasite



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Yatak Sayısı



For those seeking a taste of the exquisite beauty and coastal charm of Stintino, Italy, a one-day yacht charter offers an opportunity to experience some of the region's most beautiful coves and attractions. Your day begins in Stintino, a coastal gem known for its captivating natural beauty. Your first stop is the renowned La Pelosa Beach. Its powdery white sand and invitingly clear waters are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, or simply relaxing while taking in the picturesque view. At La Pelosa, you'll also encounter the iconic Torre della Pelosa, a historic tower that adds a touch of antiquity to the coastline.

The second leg of your journey takes you to Asinara Island, a protected national park. Cala Reale, an erstwhile penal colony, boasts a historic charm and beckons you to explore its history while enjoying superb snorkeling opportunities in the vibrant waters. You'll be drawn to the enchanting Cala d'Oliva, a serene cove surrounded by lush greenery, providing a peaceful place to drop anchor and soak in the serene surroundings. Asinara Island's remote and untouched beauty will leave you in awe, making it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

On the third leg of your journey, explore more of Asinara's enchanting shores. The day unfolds at Cala Sabina, a quiet cove that allows you to unwind and bask in the natural beauty of the area. For the adventurous, Punta Negra, with its rocky promontory, offers the opportunity for snorkeling and discovering underwater caves. As the day ends, you'll find yourself in the tranquil embrace of Cala Unia, a remote and lesser-visited cove on Asinara Island. Here, the serene ambiance and untouched landscapes create the perfect setting for relaxation and reflection.

Returning to Stintino for the final stretch of your one-day yacht charter, you'll be charmed by the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the town. Spiaggia delle Saline, with its salt flats and clear waters, is the ideal location for unwinding and taking in the natural beauty of the area. Tonnara Saline Beach, located nearby, boasts its own unique charm, with crystal-clear waters and an ambiance of serenity that allows for a true connection with the stunning landscape.

As your one-day yacht charter concludes, you'll find yourself in Stintino Marina. The memory of your day exploring the most beautiful coves and places in Stintino, Italy, will linger in your mind. This charming coastal town and the enchanting Asinara Island will leave you with a deep appreciation for the beauty of the Mediterranean. Whether you're relishing a meal at a waterfront restaurant, swimming in the crystal-clear waters, or soaking in the history and natural wonders, Stintino is a treasure trove of experiences that will stay with you long after your yacht adventure has ended.

daha fazla oku


Üretici firma : Azimut
Kalıp : Azimut 43
Kabin Numarası : 2
Rıhtım Sayısı : 6
Uzunluk (metre) : 12.9
Genişlik (metre) : 4.22
Taslak (metre) : 1.27
İzin Verilen Maksimum Kapasite: 6
Maksimum Rezerve Edilebilir Kapasite: 6
Yakıt Deposu Kapasitesi: 1100 ltr
Tatlı Su Kapasitesi: 1100 ltr
Max. Speed (in Kn): 31.00 kn
Cruising Speed (in Kn): 26.00 kn

Kullanılabilirlik Ayrıntıları

Check-in programı : 10:00
Çıkış takvimi : 18:00
Süre: 8:00 Hour

Kiralama Seçenekleri

Bu liste aşağıdaki kiralama seçenekleri için listelenmiştir.

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Alma ve Bırakma Tesisi
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- Yes

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Bu liste için belirlenen kiralama seçeneğinin seçimine ve bu kiralama rezervasyonu sürecinde bu seçeneklerden yararlanma tercihinize bağlı olarak, örneğin Mürettebat hizmetinden yararlanmak için ekstra bir ücret uygulanabilir.

Rezervasyon kuralları


Breakfast Bed linen Snack Lunch dinner Fuel Captain

Hasar depozitosu : £0

Hasar Depozitosu, Operatör / Mal Sahibinin herhangi bir kırılma / hasar talebine tabi olarak, ödemenizden sonraki 72 saat içinde size tamamen iade edilir.

İptal Kuralları

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Erken check-out nedeniyle harcanmayan günler kaybedilmiş olarak işaretlenir.

Herhangi bir iptal hüküm ve koşulundaki iadeler, KaterBlue hizmet ücretini kapsamaz.


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