Buenos Aires Argentina
Motorni čamac
Arco Iris 4.90
Potpuno novo
This motorboat is offered for sale. Please use Send Enquiry from here for any Purchase Enquiries. We will get back to you right away.
General Characteristics: Bimini top Bilge Pump Stereo Echosounder Tent Bow tone Battery cut Vhf
Sales jurisdiction note:
Our listings for sales here in KaterBlue are only available for purchase only within the national territory of Argentina. Therefore, these are offered locally and also the prices listed are the local prices. We are not yet serving the international inquiries. We are working on the proceeding for international sales with associated licenses for the same and will soon be made available for sales to international clients. Inquiries are most welcome though.
Potpuno sveobuhvatan
Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.
Popis od Dec 2021
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