Thor vessel day charters Boicucanga Beach Brazil

Boicucanga Beach Brazil

Sailing Yacht

Vesikulkuneuvon tyyppi



Max. Kapasiteetti



Nro Hytti



Nro Vuodepaikka



Set sail on a captivating sailing vacation along the enchanting Brazilian coast. Discover the beauty of untouched spaces, accessible only by sea, aboard our sophisticated vessels. Whether with family, friends, or that special someone, create unforgettable moments surrounded by wild nature and paradisiacal beaches. Exclusive onboard restaurants offer exceptional service. Our boats depart from strategic locations such as Ilhabela, São Sebastião, Guarujá, Barra do Una, Tabatinga, and Paraty, covering the entire north coast of São Paulo. Contact us to start your maritime adventure.

With our first-rate fleet, which is furnished with necessities like water, ice, towels, sunscreen, repellant, and salvage gear, you may enjoy the height of sophistication and safety. To make your trip more enjoyable, there is additional sports and leisure equipment accessible. Every sailboat has well-maintained engines and committed, experienced sailors who make for a seamless and pleasurable journey. Select us for an unmatched sailing adventure around the breathtaking coast of Brazil. Reach out to us right away, we look forward to the chance to help you realize your seafaring aspirations.


Embark on an enchanting sailing experience in Brazil, where the coastal allure beckons adventurers to explore the maritime treasures of Ilhabela, São Sebastião, Guarujá, Barra do Una, Tabatinga, and Paraty. Brazil's geographical splendor unfolds along its extensive coastline, revealing a diverse tapestry of landscapes, from tropical beaches to secluded coves.

Ilhabela, an archipelago of untouched beauty, invites day charter enthusiasts to set sail in its crystalline waters, discovering hidden spots and enjoying the tranquility of nature. São Sebastião, with its historic charm and scenic harbor, offers a delightful backdrop for a day at sea, combining cultural exploration with maritime leisure.

Guarujá, a dynamic coastal city, provides a unique day charter experience, blending urban comforts with the serenity of sandy shores. Barra do Una, nestled between the sea and lush greenery, offers a peaceful retreat for those seeking a day of relaxation and aquatic exploration.

Tabatinga's secluded beaches and calm ambiance create an idyllic setting for a day on the water, where charter guests can revel in the beauty of unspoiled landscapes. Paraty, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, unfolds its colonial charm during a day charter, with cobblestone streets and historic architecture as the backdrop to your maritime journey.

The day charters in these Brazilian paradises run from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., encompassing the beauty of Brazil's coastline. This experience includes fuel and marine water, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable voyage. Immerse yourself in the coastal splendors of Brazil, where each destination promises a day charter filled with exploration, relaxation, and the sheer joy of sailing along one of the world's most captivating shores.


Sail confidently in this secure and well-maintained vessel, powered by a reliable Yanmar engine. Upgrades include a recent bottom and a rigid bimini for sun protection. Safety is prioritized with full salvage equipment, an abandonment raft, Epirb, and various anchors. Enjoy onboard amenities like a large refrigerator, air conditioning, and modern electronics. The sail inventory includes a Master UK main and a Genoa. With comfortable sleeping arrangements and thoughtful features, this sailboat is ready for your next maritime adventure.

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Valmistaja : Thor Yacht
Malli : Thor 41
Valmistusvuosi : 2002
Nro. Hytti: 2
Nro..Vuodepaikkoja : 4
Pituus (metriä) : 12.5
Leveys (metriä) : 4.15
Syvyys (metriä) : 2.08
Moottori: in HP : 55
Moottorin tyyppi : Yanmar
Max Auth. Kapasiteetti: 8
Suurin varattavissa oleva kapasiteetti: 8
Polttoainesäiliön tilavuus: 200 ltr
Makean veden tilavuus: 200 ltr

Saatavuutta koskevat tiedot

Sisäänkirjautumisen aikataulu : 10:30
Uloskirjautumisen aikataulu : 16:30
Kesto: 6:00 Tunnit


This listing is listed for the following charter options.

Vain kapteenin kanssa

The charter option is with the captain, hence no deposit shall be required.

Pick & Drop Palvelu
- No
- Not provided

Sisältyykö polttoaine hintaan?
- Yes
- It is important to define the budget to finalize, as the fuel will be included in the final price of the package.

Vieraat voivat tuoda oman
- Guest are allowed to bring their meals

Huomautus vieraille:

Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.



It is recommended to make reservations as early as possible for better boat availability. A minimum of 24 working hours before boarding is required for safety and preparation. Your tour schedule is confirmed upon receipt of the proof of payment.


There are no refunds for amounts paid. Rescheduling is allowed up to three days in advance.


If navigation is deemed impossible or poses a safety risk, the tour will be rescheduled.


• It is essential to define the itinerary before finalizing the booking, considering the budget, as fuel costs are included in the package price.

• Fuel is not included in the package. Knowing the destination is crucial for accurate fuel cost calculation.

• Every individual, regardless of age, is considered a passenger. This is a rule set by the Brazilian Navy.

• Bring your preferred anti-sickness medicine, a hat, and a windbreaker for a comfortable and enjoyable tour.

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Vahinkotakuu : £ 0

Vahinkotakuu palautetaan kokonaisuudessaan 72 tunnin kuluessa uloskirjautumisesta, ellei operaattori/omistaja vaadi rikkoutumis/vahingon korvausta.


- KaterBlue varmistaa, että kaikki vuokrattavat veneet ovat omistajiensa vakuuttamia. Suosittelemme vahvasti matkavakuutuksen hankkimista suojaamaan veneen ulkopuolella sattuvien tapahtumien tai menetysten varalta. Vaikka veneiden omistajat tarjoavat vakuutuksen veneilleen, jahdilleen, miehistölleen ja vierailleen tulipalon, törmäysten ja muiden merionnettomuuksien varalta, vieraat ovat vastuussa arvoesineidensä suojaamisesta matkan aikana. Halutessaan vieraat voivat luovuttaa arvoesineensä veneen kapteenille säilytettäväksi. Onnettomuuden tai katastrofin sattuessa on veneen kapteenin vastuulla ilmoittaa siitä viipymättä KaterBlue:lle tai sen edustajalle. Jos veneen omistajat eivät ole tehneet tarvittavia vakuutusjärjestelyjä, he ovat täysin vastuussa. Vuokraajat ja vieraat, jotka haluavat harrastaa vesiurheilua, tekevät sen omalla vastuullaan, ja heidän on varmistettava, että heillä on oma vakuutusturva.


Tarkat ohjeet lähtöpaikalle annetaan vahvistetun varauksen jälkeen.


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Listaus alkaen Feb 2024

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£ 552/päivä
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(enintään 8 guests)

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£ 552 /päivä