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Set sail on a remarkable voyage aboard the Sun Legend 41, a classic and sturdy 41-foot monohull designed for both comfort and safety. This elegant vessel accommodates up to four passengers in two cozy cabins with a single bathroom, making it an ideal choice for intimate getaways with family or friends. Perfect for exploring the stunning San Blas Islands, the Sun Legend 41 offers a range of activities, including snorkeling, fishing, and paddleboarding.
Sailing in San Blas, an absolute Caribbean Bliss: The San Blas Islands provide a unique sailing experience in the Caribbean, often hailed as the "Caribbean Polynesia." The region boasts a hurricane-free environment, calm waters, and short sailing distances between the 350 tropical islands, making it an ideal destination for sailors. You’ll encounter pristine beaches, crystal-clear lagoons, vibrant coral reefs, and the welcoming Kuna people, who have preserved their cultural heritage for centuries. The best times to visit are during the Rainy Season (May to December), with its favorable sailing conditions and less rain than the mainland, or the Dry Season (January to April), when stronger trade winds create a more challenging but exhilarating sailing experience.
The Interior: The Sun Legend 41 features two guest cabins and one bathroom, along with a comfortable cockpit table that seats up to four, perfect for enjoying meals outdoors.
The Exterior: This robust monohull is designed for both comfort and safety, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable voyage through the islands.
Equipment: The boat is equipped with snorkeling gear, fishing equipment, and a paddleboard, providing everything you need for a fun-filled adventure.
Crew: Captain Charles and 1st Mate/Cook Sonia are dedicated to making your experience unforgettable, offering enthusiastic and caring service, along with fresh, homemade meals. The crew speaks French, Spanish, and English.
Transportation Options:
1. By Taxi + Water Taxi: Approximately $120 per person round trip, including a 2.5-hour drive from Panama City and a 40-minute water taxi ride to the monohull. Private taxis are available for $170 one way. Embarkation is from Carti in San Blas (if arriving by taxi), or from Gelabert Airport (for flights to San Blas Porvenir or Corazon de Jesus airports).
2. By Airplane: $900 per person round trip, with a 45-minute flight from Panama City to Corazon de Jesus, followed by pickup by the captain.
The Sun Legend 41 is your gateway to a serene and unforgettable Caribbean adventure in the unspoiled paradise of the San Blas Islands. Whether you’re planning a short escape or a longer charter, this fully crewed and catered monohull is ready to make your dream voyage a reality. Contact us for more information and to start planning your journey.
This listing is listed for the following charter options.
Kapteenin ja miehistön kanssa
You will be welcomed onboard by a french captain & Colombian 1st crew.
Pick & Drop Palvelu
- Yes
- Transportation from/to Panama City. Kuna Yala Entrance Fee ($22 for non-residents, $12 for residents)
Sisältyykö polttoaine hintaan?
- Yes
Sisältyy charteriin
Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.
To secure your booking, a deposit of at least 25% is required. The remaining balance is due one month before the departure date. For further details on terms and conditions, please send us an inquiry, and we will be happy to provide more information.
Vahinkotakuu palautetaan kokonaisuudessaan 72 tunnin kuluessa uloskirjautumisesta, ellei operaattori/omistaja vaadi rikkoutumis/vahingon korvausta.
Jos et saavu paikalle, varaus katsotaan menetetyksi.
Varhaisen uloskirjautumisen vuoksi käyttämättä jääneet päivät merkitään menetetyiksi.
Mahdollisten peruutusehtojen mukaiset palautukset eivät sisällä KaterBlue-palvelumaksua.
- KaterBlue varmistaa, että kaikki vuokrattavat veneet ovat omistajiensa vakuuttamia. Suosittelemme vahvasti matkavakuutuksen hankkimista suojaamaan veneen ulkopuolella sattuvien tapahtumien tai menetysten varalta. Vaikka veneiden omistajat tarjoavat vakuutuksen veneilleen, jahdilleen, miehistölleen ja vierailleen tulipalon, törmäysten ja muiden merionnettomuuksien varalta, vieraat ovat vastuussa arvoesineidensä suojaamisesta matkan aikana. Halutessaan vieraat voivat luovuttaa arvoesineensä veneen kapteenille säilytettäväksi. Onnettomuuden tai katastrofin sattuessa on veneen kapteenin vastuulla ilmoittaa siitä viipymättä KaterBlue:lle tai sen edustajalle. Jos veneen omistajat eivät ole tehneet tarvittavia vakuutusjärjestelyjä, he ovat täysin vastuussa. Vuokraajat ja vieraat, jotka haluavat harrastaa vesiurheilua, tekevät sen omalla vastuullaan, ja heidän on varmistettava, että heillä on oma vakuutusturva.
Tarkat ohjeet lähtöpaikalle annetaan vahvistetun varauksen jälkeen.