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Welcome to the luxurious world of sailing aboard the breathtaking Beneteau Oceanis 40.1! Experience the beauty of the Greek islands on this private charter, where every detail has been carefully crafted to ensure your comfort and enjoyment. Embark on an unforgettable adventure starting from the enchanting Mykonos Port, located on the picturesque island of Mykonos. This vibrant and cosmopolitan destination serves as the perfect starting point for your week-long exploration of the Aegean Sea.
As you set sail from Mykonos, get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating charm of the Greek islands. Your itinerary will take you through a scenic route passing five stunning islands along the way, ultimately leading you to the vibrant city of Athens. Enjoy the thrill of discovering hidden coves, azure waters, and secluded beaches that can only be reached by yacht. To make your journey as effortless as possible, a skilled and experienced skipper will be provided, allowing you to relax and fully embrace the joy of sailing. No need to worry about navigating the waters or handling the yacht; your skipper will take care of everything.
The all-inclusive charter package ensures that you can indulge in a hassle-free vacation. For the price of 4,370 euros per week, everything is taken care of. Marina charges, fuel costs, and cleaning services are all included, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the pleasures of sailing and exploring the Greek islands.
The only additional cost to consider is the provision of food. For a mere 50 euros per person per week, you can enjoy delectable meals prepared either by yourself or by hiring a professional chef to cater to your culinary desires. This gives you the freedom to savor the local cuisine or create your own dining experience aboard the yacht.
To reach the embarkation port in Mykonos, you can conveniently catch a ferry from Athens. With a travel time of only 3.5 hours, you'll be transported to the captivating world of Mykonos, ready to embark on your sailing adventure.
Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to explore the Greek islands in style and luxury. Book your charter aboard the Beneteau Oceanis 40.1 today and create memories that will last a lifetime. Experience the thrill of the sea, the warmth of the sun, and the magic of the Greek islands like never before.
This listing is listed for the following charter options.
Vain kapteenin kanssa
Pick & Drop Palvelu
- Yes
Sisältyykö polttoaine hintaan?
- Yes
Vieraat voivat tuoda oman
Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.
The only additional cost to consider is the provision of food. For a mere 50 euros per person per week
Security / Damage Deposit: Not applicable since it is a Skippered Charter
Vahinkotakuu palautetaan kokonaisuudessaan 72 tunnin kuluessa uloskirjautumisesta, ellei operaattori/omistaja vaadi rikkoutumis/vahingon korvausta.
Jos et saavu paikalle, varaus katsotaan menetetyksi.
Varhaisen uloskirjautumisen vuoksi käyttämättä jääneet päivät merkitään menetetyiksi.
Mahdollisten peruutusehtojen mukaiset palautukset eivät sisällä KaterBlue-palvelumaksua.
- Vakuutan, että jahtini on vakuutettu (kolmas osa tai täyskaskovakuutus) kaikkien charterien osalta ja että olen ilmoittanut vakuutusyhtiölleni vertais charterista, lukuun ottamatta satama charteria tai seurattua purjehdusta.
Tarkat ohjeet lähtöpaikalle annetaan vahvistetun varauksen jälkeen.