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Göcek, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
This listing is listed for the following charter options.
Kapteenin ja miehistön kanssa
Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.
Vahinkotakuu palautetaan kokonaisuudessaan 72 tunnin kuluessa uloskirjautumisesta, ellei operaattori/omistaja vaadi rikkoutumis/vahingon korvausta.
Jos et saavu paikalle, varaus katsotaan menetetyksi.
Varhaisen uloskirjautumisen vuoksi käyttämättä jääneet päivät merkitään menetetyiksi.
Mahdollisten peruutusehtojen mukaiset palautukset eivät sisällä KaterBlue-palvelumaksua.
- KaterBlue ensures that all boats available for rent are insured by their respective owners. We strongly advise securing Travel Insurance to protect against any incidents or losses occurring off the boat. While the boat owners provide insurance for their boats, yachts, crew, and guests against fire, collisions, and other marine accidents, the guests are accountable for protecting their valuables during the tour. Should they prefer, guests may hand over their valuable items to the boat captain for safekeeping. In the event of an accident or disaster, it is the responsibility of the boat captains to promptly inform KaterBlue or its representative. If the boat owners have not completed the necessary insurance arrangements, they will be held fully accountable. Charterers and guests who wish to engage in water sports do so at their own risk and should ensure they have their own insurance coverage.
Tarkat ohjeet lähtöpaikalle annetaan vahvistetun varauksen jälkeen.