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Vahvistettu tili auttaa meitä pitämään KaterBlue-yhteisön turvallisena, opi kuinka

Tervehdys, Harlis

Belitung is an island located east of Sumatra also has natural resources of tin ore and the world's best white pepper. Belitung is known as an island that has a majority of the Malay tribes it defines and the Chinese tribe. If you visit Belitung, the taste is incomplete if you don't do Island Hopping Tours. 

Island Hopping Tour is a short trip in 1 day from one island to another using traditional boat for tourism and has a capacity according to participants located on the coast of Tanjung Kelayang Belitung as a start to depart, tours are private and have flexible time also. We provide snorkeling equipment, lunch with seafood dishes, vegetarian which is adjusted to individual tastes, but that is beyond the price of the boat rental that we provide. Experienced captain who also serve as crew and guide will accompany/guard you during the trip. 

Belitung has an old lighthouse that was built by the Dutch colonial in 1882 which in the future can be found in today's era, there are also in the past and now there are also small islands around it with views of the blue sea, white sand and giant granite stones arranged in a row. Unique by nature. 

Lue lisää

* Ladatut asiakirjat näkyvät vahvistetun varauksen jälkeen minkä tahansa ilmoituksen osalta.

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