A marvellous team of deckhands for your next trip

Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, France

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Department Crew



Experience Crew


Few months

Soonest Available Crew

Ready In

24 Hours / 1 day

Duration crew

Bookable for


We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

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Other fields of service in offer

Operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

Insurance details


Watercraft type experience on:

Luxury Yacht

Motor Yacht

Motor Boat

Sailing Yacht




Jet Ski




Palubní Dělník

Years of Crewing experience:

Few months

We’re available soonest within:

24 hours / 1 day

Duration available for

Weekly basis

Monthly basis

Annual basis

Sea-Miles (NM) developed so far:


Other Qualifications:

RYA Competent

RYA Day Skipper

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean

MCA Qualified

IYT International Crew

IYT Flotilla Skipper

IYT Bareboat Skipper


IYT Yachtmaster Coastal

IYT Yachtmaster Offshore

Powerboat Master (MCA)

Skills & Knowledge:

We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

License & Awards:

We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

* The uploaded documents will be visible after a confirmed reservation.


We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.


We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

Cancellation rules :

Moderate Policy

No-response or absence of contact by the lapse of the hiring date will result in booking considered as forfeited.

We are a team of 0 professionals, and so offer our services listed here jointly

Available for work around these Regions:

Mediterranean Sea


Silné stránky posádky
Sebevědomý Plavec
Dobrý posluchač a komunikátor
Žádné piercingy v těle/obličeji
Málo pravděpodobná mořská nemoc
Žádné tetování
Oddanost povinnostem
Fit a zdravý
Otevřená mysl
Smysl pro humor
Rádi vaříte
Baví mě průvodcování
Dovednosti v oblasti údržby
Motivace a zájmy v Posádce
Cestovat po nových místech
Dobrodružný typ
Aprender Idiomas
Spojení s lidmi
Finanční preference
Může si hradit vlastní výdaje
Preferují úhradu výdajů
Preferují stravu v ceně
Preferují pobyt v ceně

Current Location

Exact directions to the departure location will be provided after a confirmed booking.


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Based on 0 review
Very Good
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Member Since Apr 2021

from £ 500/day

Extra prices:

£ 100
£ 500
0 Review