
Robert B. Murphy ico-vefified-1

上市时间 Apr 2021


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其他 :

来自 Robert B. Murphy

Motorboat Charter available in Seattle USA.

I am a Coast Guard certified Captain and Founder of the company. My job is to ensure that your time on my boat is safe and fun. I love connecting with people and creating an environment that is focused on living in the moment.

When I'm not on the boat, I love hanging with my friends and my dog. hot tubs, grilling, golf are all things I enjoy.


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Seattle, WA, USA
£430 /天
Robert B. Murphy
Motor Yacht 机动游艇 最大容量 人数 4 客舱数量 1 泊位数量 2
Seattle, WA, USA
£550 /天
Robert B. Murphy
Motor Yacht 机动游艇 最大容量 人数 4 客舱数量 2 泊位数量 2