İspanya'da Pontevedra'da muhteşem Bir Yelkenli Yatla Limanda Kano Sörfü Deneyimlerinde Heyecan Verici Bir Gece

Pontevedra, Spain

Sailing Yacht

Deniz Taşıtları Tipi

Sailing Yacht

Deneyim Türü

Maksimum Kişi

16 kişi


Our years of professional and sports sailing experience around the world lead us to recommend Galicia as a charter destination for a variety of reasons, including the environment, wonderful beaches of fine white sand cataloged as one of the best in the world and bathed by the Atlantic Ocean; the beauty of its nature, such as the National Park of the Atlantic Islands (Islas Ces, Ons, Sálvora...), and our famous gastronomy, thanks to top quality products such as seafood, fishing

Every year, hundreds of guests from all over the world sail with us, enjoying our hospitality and experience.

By renting one of our Charter boats you can enjoy wonderful nautical experiences in one of the most surprising and unexpected destinations in the Rías Baixas, in Galicia.

You can choose our Salacia. It is an army patrol boat withdrawn from service and acquired at a public auction to be refurbished and transformed into a comfortable, unique and safe boat for its 12 occupants. A different experience, without a doubt.

The Arousa River is the largest of Galicia's estuary, lying between the Rases de Muros and Noia to the north and the Rae de Pontevedra to the south. Some of the most populated and active towns in terms of maritime industry are located in its interior, including Vilagarca, O Grove, A Pobra do Caramial, Ribeira, Rianxo...

Sail to beautiful dive sites and learn about the marine life and wrecks of our estuaries. If you've never dived before, trust in yourself, and if you have your certification, go deeper.

The price includes: • fuel, • R.C insurance, • SOV insurance, • sports pattern, • services with auxiliary pneumatics for • transportation to beaches, • port and restaurants and cleaning.

Night in port maximum 8/9 people  Night at anchorage maximum 7/8 people  Night in port and night at anchor are supplements to full-time days

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Üretici firma : Bazan
Kalıp : Patrol boat
Üretim Yılı : 1994
Kabin Numarası : 2
Rıhtım Sayısı : 2
Uzunluk (metre) : 17.5
Genişlik (metre) : 4.1
Motor: HP olarak : 706
İzin Verilen Maksimum Kapasite: 12

Rezervasyon kuralları

If the client has paid the 30% reservation fee, that amount is saved for when the client decides to do the charter. Your reservation will be confirmed then. This is the case when the client gives 20 days notice to cancel. or else any prepayments will not be refunded.
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Kiralama Seçenekleri

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Apr 2022 beri listeleme

Dan oranları
5,077.00 ฿/ Grup
16 Maksimum misafir sayısı
Soruşturma Gönder

5,077.00 ฿/Group