Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
Motorni čamac
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Our design center's expert technicians created this motorboat. Colors and forms are the foundation of a properly established style. By putting each product through rigorous testing, we create seamless beauty and an incomparable experience in the end result. Our key aspects are sensations, emotions, distinction, and elegance, and the pleasure of people who love it is a beautiful option. With a 260 horsepower engine and a 180-liter fuel tank, the V255 is ready for all of your water activities. It's the high-octane adrenaline rush you've been waiting for. The V255 is a well-designed yacht that blends exquisite looks with the customisation you desire to make your boat unique. It can accommodate up to six persons. The magnificent internal and outdoor deck areas allow you to visit your favorite spots in great comfort. The watercraft characteristics comprise of: - Sleeve: 2.66m - Length: 7.55m - Displacement: 2.40 TN - Strut: 1.71m - Max. capacity: 6 - Max. Power: 260hp - Fuel Capacity: 180L How to order Send us an enquiry and we shall get back to you for further proceedings.
Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.
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