Island of Ksamil Weekly Charter Orikum, Albania

Orikum Albania

Motor Yacht

Vrsta plovila

Motorna jahta


Maksimum Kapacitet






Ne. Polož



Discover the Ksamil Islands with a luxurious week-long charter adventure starting from Marina Oricum. Located on the Albanian Riviera, the Ksamil Islands are known for their pristine beaches, crystal clear turquoise waters and lush greenery. These islands offer an idyllic retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, providing the perfect backdrop for a week of relaxation and adventure.

During your week-long charter, you will have the opportunity to visit several beautiful destinations in and around the Ksamil Islands.Start your trip at Ksamil's main beach.There you can sunbathe, swim in the warm waters, and enjoy water sports such as paddleboarding and kayaking. This popular spot is perfect for soaking up the sun and experiencing the vibrant local atmosphere.

Next, explore Ksamil's four main islands: Tongo Island, Ksamil Island, Pema e Tate, and Twin Island.Each of these islands has its own unique charm and beauty. Tongo Island has a secluded beach and tranquil setting, perfect for a private picnic or a relaxing and quiet day. Ksamil Island is known for its crystal clear waters and excellent snorkeling where you can discover vibrant marine life and underwater wonders.

With its lush vegetation and picturesque landscape, Pema e Tate is perfect for nature walks and exploring the island's natural beauty. Located close to each other, these twin islands offer unique opportunities to island-hop and explore the narrow waterways that separate them. These islands are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying the tranquil surroundings.

A little further afield, you can visit the beautiful Butrint National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site rich in history and natural beauty.Rephrase. This park is home to the ancient city of Butrint, where you can explore well-preserved ruins from the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine eras. This historic site offers a fascinating glimpse into the past and is a must-see for history buffs.

Another highlight of the charter is the Blue Eye Spring, a natural phenomenon near the city of Saranda. Famous for its deep blue color and crystal clear water, this stunning freshwater spring is a mesmerizing sight. Visitors can take a swim in the refreshing water or just relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the area.

Weekly charters include a variety of activities including snorkeling, diving, fishing and beach walks. The Ksamil Islands' diverse marine life and underwater scenery make it a paradise for snorkelers and divers, while fishing enthusiasts can enjoy the rich fishing grounds around the islands. A beach walk along the pristine coastline is a relaxing way to discover seashells, driftwood, and other natural treasures.

A charter in the Ksamil Islands is perfect for those looking for a personal and luxurious experience. A private yacht allows you to explore the island at your own pace and visit the islands and sights that interest you most. Our onboard comforts and amenities ensure a relaxing and enjoyable journey. And our experienced crew will take care of every detail, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of the Ksamil Islands.Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply looking for a week of adventure and relaxation for your girlfriend, a week-long charter in the Ksamil Islands guarantees an unforgettable experience starting from the beautiful Marina Orikum.

Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Monterey
Model: Monterey 39
Proizvedena godina: 2010
Ne. Kabina: 2
Ne. Kupaonice: 1
Ne. 4
Duljina (metra): 12
Širina (metra): 3.35
Nacrt (metri): 0.94
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 10
Maksimalni kapacitet knjige: 4

Pojedinosti o dostupnosti

Raspored za prijavu : 17:00
Raspored za odjavu : 8:30
Trajanje: 7 Dani:

Opcije čartera

This listing is listed for the following charter options.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

- No
- We do not facilitate pick and drop

Gorivo uključeno u cijenu?
- No
- The cost of fuel depends on the client, we can create custom itineraries for them and let them know about the approx costs, or they can set a fixed amount of the budget and how much do they want to spend per day.

Gosti mogu donijeti svoje
- Guest can bring their food

Napomena za goste:

Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.

Pravila rezervacije


  • Crew
  • Tender
  • Welcome drink
  • Snacks
  • Final cleaning


  • Fuel


If the customer, for any reason cannot use the rental of the yacht, he is free to find another person, that will take over his rights and obligations, but with the agreement of the owner.

If the customer does not find a replacement the owner withholds:

  • 25% of the rental price for cancellation within 1 months prior to the rental date
  • 50% of the rental price for cancellation within 2 weeks prior to the rental date
  • 75% of the rental price for cancellation within 1 week prior to the rental date
  • In the 6 days before embarkation, there will be no refund.

To cancel your booking, contact us using your booking ID which will be sent to you along with your Booking Confirmation.

Čitaj više

Depozit : £ 0

Depozit oštećenja u potpunosti vam se vraća za 72 sata odlaska, u skladu s bilo kojim zahtjevima za prijelom/oštećenje od strane operatera/vlasnika.

- The charter option is With Captain, hence no deposit shall be required.

Pojedinosti o osiguranju

- KaterBlue osigurava da sva plovila dostupna za iznajmljivanje budu osigurana od strane njihovih vlasnika. Preporučujemo da osigurate putno osiguranje kako biste se zaštitili od bilo kakvih incidenata ili gubitaka izvan broda. Dok vlasnici plovila osiguravaju svoje brodove, jahte, posadu i goste od požara, sudara i drugih pomorskih nezgoda, gosti su odgovorni za zaštitu svojih dragocjenosti tijekom putovanja. Ako žele, gosti mogu svoje vrijedne predmete predati na čuvanje kapetanu broda. U slučaju nesreće ili katastrofe, odgovornost je kapetana broda da odmah obavijesti KaterBlue ili njegovog predstavnika. Ako vlasnici plovila nisu sklopili potrebna osiguranja, snosit će punu odgovornost. Unajmljivači i gosti koji se žele baviti sportovima na vodi to čine na vlastitu odgovornost i moraju osigurati vlastito osiguranje.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.

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