Chez Tao Nightclub Weekly Beach Escape Corsica, France

Sardinia Italy

Motor Yacht

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Motorna jahta


Maksimum Kapacitet






Ne. Polož



Embark on a captivating week-long charter to explore the breathtaking beauty of Corsica, an island paradise renowned for its rugged coastlines, sun-drenched beaches, and charming coastal towns. As you set sail, immerse yourself in the stunning vistas and crystal-clear waters that define this enchanting destination.

Begin your Corsican odyssey in Ilé Rousse, a picturesque resort town boasting endless sunshine and a sprawling sandy beach that stretches as far as the eye can see. Dive into the vibrant atmosphere of this coastal gem, where lively cafes and bustling markets beckon visitors to explore the local culture. Spend your days lounging on the sun-kissed shores or meandering through the quaint streets lined with colorful buildings and charming boutiques.

Next, venture to the historic town of Calvi, a jewel of the Corsican coast reminiscent of the French Riviera. Explore the cobbled streets of the Old Town, where ancient fortresses and picturesque churches offer glimpses into the island's rich heritage. Indulge in the finest Corsican cuisine at U Minellu, where traditional dishes burst with flavors sourced from the island's bountiful land and sea.

As your charter continues, discover the hidden treasure of Algajola, a serene coastal village nestled between Calvi and Ilé Rousse. Escape the crowds and unwind on the pristine sandy beaches, where turquoise waters gently lap against the shore. Explore the historic citadel and soak in the panoramic views of the surrounding coastline, offering a peaceful retreat amidst the bustling tourist hubs.

Throughout your journey, immerse yourself in the verdant hinterland of La Balange, where traditional Corsican villages dot the landscape. Wander through olive groves and vineyards, sampling local delicacies and wines that reflect the island's rich agricultural heritage. Take a leisurely stroll through the lush countryside, where ancient stone villages and rustic farmhouses offer a glimpse into Corsica's timeless charm.

Whether you're basking in the sun on pristine beaches, savoring the flavors of Corsican cuisine, or exploring the island's rich cultural heritage, a week-long charter in Corsica promises an unforgettable adventure filled with moments of pure bliss and tranquility.

Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Sunseeker
Model: Sunseeker 60 Predator
Proizvedena godina: 2006
Ne. Kabina: 3
Ne. 6
Duljina (metra): 18.68
Širina (metra): 4.59
Nacrt (metri): 1
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 6
Maksimalni kapacitet knjige: 6

Pojedinosti o dostupnosti

Raspored za prijavu : 17:00
Raspored za odjavu : 9:00
Trajanje: 7 Dani:

Opcije čartera

This listing is listed for the following charter options.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

- No
- We do not facilitate pick and drop

Gorivo uključeno u cijenu?
- No
- Fuel is not included in the price

Uključeno u Povelju
- Food and beverages are included in the price

Napomena za goste:

Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.

Pravila rezervacije


When you book our service, we ask you to pay 50% upfront. Then, 30 days before your charter, we'll ask for the remaining 50%. Once you've paid, the amount is non-refundable. But, if you need to cancel, you can use 50% of what you've paid towards a future reservation instead.


It is necessary to pay 50% when you book the service and 50% 30 days before the charter

Čitaj više

Depozit : £ 0

Depozit oštećenja u potpunosti vam se vraća za 72 sata odlaska, u skladu s bilo kojim zahtjevima za prijelom/oštećenje od strane operatera/vlasnika.

Pojedinosti o osiguranju

- KaterBlue osigurava da sva plovila dostupna za iznajmljivanje budu osigurana od strane njihovih vlasnika. Preporučujemo da osigurate putno osiguranje kako biste se zaštitili od bilo kakvih incidenata ili gubitaka izvan broda. Dok vlasnici plovila osiguravaju svoje brodove, jahte, posadu i goste od požara, sudara i drugih pomorskih nezgoda, gosti su odgovorni za zaštitu svojih dragocjenosti tijekom putovanja. Ako žele, gosti mogu svoje vrijedne predmete predati na čuvanje kapetanu broda. U slučaju nesreće ili katastrofe, odgovornost je kapetana broda da odmah obavijesti KaterBlue ili njegovog predstavnika. Ako vlasnici plovila nisu sklopili potrebna osiguranja, snosit će punu odgovornost. Unajmljivači i gosti koji se žele baviti sportovima na vodi to čine na vlastitu odgovornost i moraju osigurati vlastito osiguranje.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


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