Luxury 26m gulet with 8 cabins weekly charter Fethiye Turkey

Fethiye, Muğla, Türkiye


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Ne. Polož



Embark on a luxurious journey aboard our exquisite gulet, departing from the scenic port of Fethiye, Turkey. This magnificent vessel offers a captivating week-long exploration of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas or the charming Greek Islands, with rentals available on a weekly basis.

Included in your charter are essential services such as fuel and the attentive service of our professional crew, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable voyage. Enhance your experience with an optional meal plan tailored to elevate your culinary enjoyment throughout the trip.

Explore an enticing itinerary:

• Day 1: Depart from Fethiye at 15:00 and enjoy an overnight stay in a serene nearby bay.

• Day 2: Cruise to Göbün Bay and Hamam Bay, where azure waters and scenic vistas await.

• Day 3: Discover the natural beauty of Sarsala Bay and Bedri Rahmi Bay, renowned for their turquoise waters and historical charm.

• Day 4: Navigate to Clay Bending and Dalyan River, perfect for nature enthusiasts and relaxation seekers alike.

• Day 5: Anchor at Gocek Island, a tranquil spot ideal for swimming and unwinding.

• Day 6: Visit Yassıca Island and Tersane Island, known for their pristine beaches and historical significance.

• Day 7: Explore Pig Island and Red Island, offering opportunities for snorkeling and enjoying picturesque sunsets.

• Day 8: Return to Fethiye by approximately 10:00, concluding your unforgettable voyage.


The gulet spans 26 meters in length with a beam of 7 meters, providing ample space for relaxation and entertainment. It features 8 elegantly appointed cabins, each equipped with its own WC, comfortably accommodating up to 16 guests. Originally built in 2002 and meticulously refitted in 2022, the vessel boasts a water capacity of 5000 liters and a fuel capacity of 2000 liters, powered by a robust 360 hp motor.

Enjoy modern comforts including air conditioning, hot water, a premium music system, WiFi connectivity, and a modern shower box. Safety is assured with comprehensive fire equipment, life jackets, a life raft, life rings, and an outboard motor for added security and convenience.

Experience the pinnacle of luxury and adventure aboard our gulet, creating lasting memories as you explore the scenic wonders of the Turkish coast and beyond.

Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Local Build
Model: Custom Model
Proizvedena godina: 2002
Godina (Ponovno) : 2022
Ne. Kabina: 8
Ne. Kupaonice: 8
Ne. 16
Duljina (metra): 26
Širina (metra): 7
Motor: u HP -u: 360
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 16
Maksimalni kapacitet knjige: 16

Pojedinosti o dostupnosti

Raspored za prijavu : 15:00
Raspored za odjavu : 10:00
Trajanje: 7 Dani:
Min dan prije rezervacije : 14
Min Dan ostaje : 7

Opcije čartera

This listing is listed for the following charter options.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

- No
- Not provided

Gorivo uključeno u cijenu?
- Yes
- Fuel cost included to price.

Napomena za goste:

Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.

Pravila rezervacije


• Weekly list price is 11,900 Euro 20% VAT

• 9,000 Euros need to pay (Can add any extra fee (commission) on top of the 9,000 Euros when you rent it out)

• For the VAT, you only need to pay it on the first 40% of the deposit. You can pay the remaining amount in cash, which helps save some money on VAT.


• This price includes fuel and crew service as well


• Gratitude (5 to 10%), 

• Airport transfers

• Meal plan (350 Euros per person per week)

• Alcohol


• After completing the tour program, menu, and airport transfer details we will send you Yacht Rental Agreement. 

• Upon signing the agreement, 40% of the total tour price is to be transferred to our bank account as a reservation deposit. 

• The remaining amount should be either paid to the same account via bank transfer 30 days before the tour date or to Golden Yachting personnel in cash, on the tour date.

Čitaj više

Depozit : £ 0

Depozit oštećenja u potpunosti vam se vraća za 72 sata odlaska, u skladu s bilo kojim zahtjevima za prijelom/oštećenje od strane operatera/vlasnika.

- The charter option is With Captain and Crew both, hence no deposit shall be required.

Pojedinosti o osiguranju

Potpuno sveobuhvatan

- KaterBlue osigurava da sva plovila dostupna za iznajmljivanje budu osigurana od strane njihovih vlasnika. Preporučujemo da osigurate putno osiguranje kako biste se zaštitili od bilo kakvih incidenata ili gubitaka izvan broda. Dok vlasnici plovila osiguravaju svoje brodove, jahte, posadu i goste od požara, sudara i drugih pomorskih nezgoda, gosti su odgovorni za zaštitu svojih dragocjenosti tijekom putovanja. Ako žele, gosti mogu svoje vrijedne predmete predati na čuvanje kapetanu broda. U slučaju nesreće ili katastrofe, odgovornost je kapetana broda da odmah obavijesti KaterBlue ili njegovog predstavnika. Ako vlasnici plovila nisu sklopili potrebna osiguranja, snosit će punu odgovornost. Unajmljivači i gosti koji se žele baviti sportovima na vodi to čine na vlastitu odgovornost i moraju osigurati vlastito osiguranje.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


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