Seaside Serenity Half Day Coastal Cruise Montego Bay, Jamaica

Montego Bay Jamaica


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Ne. Polož



Step in to a voyage beyond the ordinary as you step aboard our luxurious vessel, setting sail along the captivating coastline of Montego Bay, Jamaica. Feel the gentle breeze caress your skin as you glide gracefully across the shimmering waters, surrounded by breathtaking views of lush tropical landscapes and azure blue seas.

Indulge in the ultimate in relaxation and sophistication with our premium onboard bar. Let our skilled mixologists craft exquisite cocktails from an unparalleled selection of top-shelf spirits, perfectly complemented by tempting finger foods and an opulent lunch spread featuring the freshest local ingredients. Savor every sip and bite as you bask in the warmth of the Caribbean sun and the tranquility of the open sea.

Immerse yourself in the rhythm of the island with the melodic beats of our onboard DJ. Lose yourself in the music as you sway to the reggae rhythms and feel your worries melt away. Whether you choose to dance the afternoon away or simply lounge on the deck, the ambiance of relaxation and joy will envelop you.

Explore the vibrant underwater world during a thrilling snorkeling escapade. Dive into the crystal-clear waters and discover a kaleidoscope of marine life, from colorful coral reefs to tropical fish of all shapes and sizes. With expert guidance from our experienced crew, even first-time snorkelers can experience the wonder of Jamaica's vibrant aquatic ecosystem.

Capture every enchanting moment of your journey with the expertise of our dedicated onboard photographer. From panoramic vistas of Montego Bay's coastline to candid shots of laughter and camaraderie among friends, every image will serve as a timeless memento of your unforgettable adventure at sea.

Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Leopard
Model: Leopard 47
Proizvedena godina: 2007
Ne. Kabina: 4
Ne. Kupaonice: 4
Ne. 8
Duljina (metra): 14.3
Širina (metra): 7.4
Nacrt (metri): 1.4
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 35
Maksimalni kapacitet knjige: 15

Pojedinosti o dostupnosti

Raspored za prijavu : 10:00
Raspored za odjavu : 14:00
Trajanje: 4:00 Hour

Opcije čartera

This listing is listed for the following charter options.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

- No
- we do not facilitate pick and drop.

Gorivo uključeno u cijenu?
- No
- Fuel is not included in the price

Uključeno u Povelju
- Jamaican Packaged Snacks are available

Gosti mogu donijeti svoje
- Guest can bring their own food

Napomena za goste:

Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.

Pravila rezervacije


Cancellations made more than 48 hours prior to your scheduled cruise are eligible for a full refund. The final number of guests for catering purposes is confirmed 48 hours prior to the cruise. Within 48 hours any reduction in the number of guests will not be refunded. If for some reason we are. unable to perform a cruise, guest will be eligible for a full refund. Inclement weather cancellations are at the discretion of the captain. If the weather is bad enough that the captain determines that it is unsafe to cruise while you are out at sea, then a partial refund will be accommodated.


Unlimited, Open Premium Bar & Mixologist 3 Selections of Hors d'oeuvres Jamaican Packaged Snacks Live Onboard DJ WIFI Snorkeling with Gear (Optional) A Relaxing Swim Stop (Optional) Watertoys to include Kayaks, Paddleboards and a Floating Water Lily Mat (Optional) Visit Margaritaville (Optional) Photographer (Photos sold separately)

Čitaj više

Depozit : £ 0

Depozit oštećenja u potpunosti vam se vraća za 72 sata odlaska, u skladu s bilo kojim zahtjevima za prijelom/oštećenje od strane operatera/vlasnika.

Pojedinosti o osiguranju

- KaterBlue osigurava da sva plovila dostupna za iznajmljivanje budu osigurana od strane njihovih vlasnika. Preporučujemo da osigurate putno osiguranje kako biste se zaštitili od bilo kakvih incidenata ili gubitaka izvan broda. Dok vlasnici plovila osiguravaju svoje brodove, jahte, posadu i goste od požara, sudara i drugih pomorskih nezgoda, gosti su odgovorni za zaštitu svojih dragocjenosti tijekom putovanja. Ako žele, gosti mogu svoje vrijedne predmete predati na čuvanje kapetanu broda. U slučaju nesreće ili katastrofe, odgovornost je kapetana broda da odmah obavijesti KaterBlue ili njegovog predstavnika. Ako vlasnici plovila nisu sklopili potrebna osiguranja, snosit će punu odgovornost. Unajmljivači i gosti koji se žele baviti sportovima na vodi to čine na vlastitu odgovornost i moraju osigurati vlastito osiguranje.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


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