Potpuno opremljena katamaranska povelja Cienfuegos, Kuba

Cienfuegos, Cuba


Vrsta plovila



Maksimum Kapacitet






Ne. Polož



Do you wish to charter a boat in Cuba for an unforgettable sailing trip? We provide a wide range of boat types as well as an all-inclusive service for your yacht hire in Cuba. This type of sailing boats is meticulously maintained and properly equipped, ensuring that nothing gets in the way of a comfortable sailing vacation.

We will arrange for you to have an experienced and local captain from the Cuban port operator Marlin.Our fleet has the ideal boat for you.

Take advantage of the Lagoon 421 for a pleasant and relaxing sailing experience in Cuba. The sailing catamaran Lagoon 421 offers plenty of room and solitude both on and below deck.The big double cabins with wet cells may sleep up to eight persons. Another solitary bunk for the captain is located in the center of the front hull section.Sail in the south of Cuba in a magnificent and elegant boat.

The charter begins at 18:00 on the first day and ends at 10:00 on the last day. Different timings to accommodate flight schedules, for example, are conceivable, but require written confirmation from us.We are pleased to assist you with your meal order.Please email us the filled form at least two weeks before the tour begins.

Cuban territorial waters are where we will be sailing. Night sailing is also forbidden.

Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Lagoon
Model: Lagoon 421
Proizvedena godina: 2015
Ne. Kabina: 5
Ne. Kupaonice: 4
Ne. 9
Duljina (metra): 12.61
Širina (metra): 7.5
Nacrt (metri): 1.2
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 9
Maksimalni kapacitet knjige: 9

Pojedinosti o dostupnosti

Raspored za prijavu : 18:00
Raspored za odjavu : 10:00
Trajanje: 7 Dani:

Opcije čartera

This listing is listed for the following charter options.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

Napomena za goste:

Based on the choice of charter option set for this listing and your choice to avail these options under the process of booking this charter, an extra fee may be applicable, for eg; for availing Crew service.

Pravila rezervacije


If the charterer cancels the contract after signing it, the following cancellation fees will be charged: 20% after the contract is signed, 50% six months before the charter begins, and 100% four weeks before the charter begins.


end of december to mid-january 7705 EUR mid-january to april 6785 EUR may 4485 EUR june and july 3220 EUR august to november 4485 EUR security deposit 3450 EUR


2 weeks and up: 5 % discount on total. 3 weeks and up: 10 % discount on total.


If the contract and down payment are received at least 6 months before the trip date, a 5% discount will be applied to the total.


Any individual duration of the charter (e.g., 10 days) is also permitted after a minimum time of one week. Each additional day is charged at one-seventh of the weekly fee.


The charterer will be charged for fuel and port costs. The charterer pays close attention to the essential controls on the hull and rig, as well as the engine (oil level, cooling water, and so on), and takes all necessary precautions to maintain the yacht's worth and operation.

Čitaj više

Depozit : £ 0

Depozit oštećenja u potpunosti vam se vraća za 72 sata odlaska, u skladu s bilo kojim zahtjevima za prijelom/oštećenje od strane operatera/vlasnika.

Pojedinosti o osiguranju

- KaterBlue osigurava da sva plovila dostupna za iznajmljivanje budu osigurana od strane njihovih vlasnika. Preporučujemo da osigurate putno osiguranje kako biste se zaštitili od bilo kakvih incidenata ili gubitaka izvan broda. Dok vlasnici plovila osiguravaju svoje brodove, jahte, posadu i goste od požara, sudara i drugih pomorskih nezgoda, gosti su odgovorni za zaštitu svojih dragocjenosti tijekom putovanja. Ako žele, gosti mogu svoje vrijedne predmete predati na čuvanje kapetanu broda. U slučaju nesreće ili katastrofe, odgovornost je kapetana broda da odmah obavijesti KaterBlue ili njegovog predstavnika. Ako vlasnici plovila nisu sklopili potrebna osiguranja, snosit će punu odgovornost. Unajmljivači i gosti koji se žele baviti sportovima na vodi to čine na vlastitu odgovornost i moraju osigurati vlastito osiguranje.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.



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