
KB Managed ico-verified-1

Popis od Dec 2021

Rue de Haut de L'Orme Trinity,GB

Pošalji poruku

  • Partner
  • 230 preglede


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Please surf below some of the watercrafts for Sales, Sailing Experiences, Standard Charters, or Crusing Sail listings that are listed and managed by KaterBlue. The charters or purchase enquiry are attended to and organised by KaterBlue. 

Čitaj više

Pomorsko iskustvo

Over 10 years

Iskustvo jedrenjaka


Yacht license
success Coastal
success Offshore
success Inland
Potvrde o jahtiranju
success Radio Operators certificate
success International Certificate of Competence
success Equivalent National Certificate
success RYA Day Skipper
success Other

* Preneseni dokumenti bit će vidljivi nakon potvrđene rezervacije za bilo koji popis.

Ovdje provjerite neke od naših popisa:

Slobodno nam pošaljite upit!

Göcek, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
£ 2,415 /dan
Gulet Gulet Maksimum Kapacitet 8 Ne. 5 Ne. Polož 10
Dalyan, Çeşme/İzmir, Turkey
£ 676 /dan
Gulet Gulet Maksimum Kapacitet 12 Ne. 5 Ne. Polož 10
Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey
£ 5,460 /dan
Luxury Yacht Luksuzna jahta Maksimum Kapacitet 12 Ne. 6 Ne. Polož 12
Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey
£ 1,239 /dan
Motor Yacht Motorna jahta Maksimum Kapacitet 6 Ne. 3 Ne. Polož 6
Fethiye, Mugla, Turkey
£ 1,068 /dan
Motor Yacht Motorna jahta Maksimum Kapacitet 12 Ne. 8 Ne. Polož 16
Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey
£ 743 /dan
Gulet Gulet Maksimum Kapacitet 10 Ne. 5 Ne. Polož 10
Fethiye, Muğla, Turkey
£ 555 /dan
Motor Yacht Motorna jahta Maksimum Kapacitet 6 Ne. 4 Ne. Polož 6
Göcek, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
£ 564 /dan
Sailing Yacht Jedrilica Maksimum Kapacitet 8 Ne. 3 Ne. Polož 8
Göcek, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
£ 324 /dan
Sailing Yacht Jedrilica Maksimum Kapacitet 6 Ne. 2 Ne. Polož 6
Kemer, Antalya, Türkiye
£ 50 /pers
Dalyan, Çeşme/İzmir, Turkey
£ 340 /Skupina
Göcek, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
£ 252 /Skupina
Motor Yacht
Fethiye Kordon, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
£ 210 /pers
Activity Crafts
Fethiye Kordon, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
£ 33 /pers
Activity Crafts
Fethiye Kordon, Fethiye/Muğla, Turkey
£ 33 /pers
Activity Crafts
Netsel Marina, Marmaris/Mugla, Turkey
£ 399 /Skupina
Motor Yacht
Chongqing China

Polazeći: Varira

Marine Supplies
Göcek, Fethiye/Mugla, Türkiye

Polazeći:£ 35,196

Jet Car
Seferihisar/İzmir, Türkiye

Polazeći:£ 357,000

Sailing Yacht
Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey

Polazeći:£ 1,764,000

Motor Yacht
Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey

Polazeći:£ 208,236

Sailing Yacht
Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey

Polazeći:£ 1,596,000

Luxury Yacht
Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey

Polazeći:£ 1,134,000

Luxury Yacht




May, 2024 - Verified booking

A splendid tradition series, Superior Yacht

I tried sea trials, this is in great condition. My bad that the budget did not work for me and I went with the lesser premium yacht via katerblue itself.


Feb, 2022 - Verified booking

An exhaustive skipper course!

An exhaustive answer to all my questions was given by their representative in Russia. I not only completed the skipper course, the guys also helped me buy a yacht in Marmaris.


Jan, 2022 - Verified booking

You won't regret it!

If you really want to become a real captain who can put theory into practice and find friends who will be "on the same wavelength" with you, book a session with them, you won't regret it! :)


Jan, 2022 - Verified booking

Loved the service!

Just a while after my enquiry I was reached upon by them explaining about the varied product range they offer. I needed to get my personal dock built by my lakeside house. I got my order confirmed in just an hour. The delivery was swift and the service was quite impressive. I have a beautiful dock installed by the end of the other day. Simply great service.


Dec, 2021 - Verified booking

Highly recommended!

A complete supplier for all marine docks and a fantastic installation team. I recently got my pontoon facility installed for my hotel. It looks awesome. The order process was smooth. The installation was surprisingly swift. A great service to checkout.


Dec, 2023
Uskladili smo jedrilicu za posebnu obljetnicu, a Katerblueov tim stvorio je romantični ambijent sa svijećama i mekom glazbom.


Dec, 2023
Rezervacija s Katerblueom bila je bez napora, a njihova služba za korisnike bila je vrhunska; Naši najam broda premašio je sva očekivanja!


Dec, 2023
Jahta je osigurala glatku i ugodnu vožnju, osiguravajući da su svi u našoj grupi fantastično vrijeme s Katerblueom.


Dec, 2023
Prostrana paluba jahte pružila je dovoljno prostora za opuštanje i druženje, čineći našu plovidbu s Katerblueom ugodnim.


Dec, 2023
Katerblue's Sunset Sailing Tour bio je prekrasan doživljaj, a gostoprimstvo posade učinilo ga je sve ugodnijim.