Čudesni tim paluba za vaše sljedeće putovanje

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Experience Crew


10 - 20 godina

Soonest Available Crew


24 sats / 1 dan

Duration crew

Rezervirati za


We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

Čitaj više

Ostala polja usluge u ponudi

Operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

Pojedinosti o osiguranju


All our members are insured with our own preferred insurer. The hirer may get us a separate policy as per their crew policy, but we are good with our own safety.

Iskustvo tipa plovila na:

Luksuzna jahta

Motorna jahta

Motorni čamac



Kućica na splavu


Jet skija





Godine iskustva u posadi:

10 - 20 years

Dostupni smo najbrže u okviru:

24 sats / 1 dan

Trajanje dostupno za

Tjedna baza

Mjesečna baza

Annual basis

Do sada su razvijene morske milje (NM):


Ostale kvalifikacije:

Rya kompetentna

Rya Day Skipper

Rya Yachtmaster Coastal

Rya Yachtmaster offshore

Rya Yachtmaster Ocean

MCA kvalificirana

IYT International Crew

Iyt flotilla skiper

Iyt Bareboat Skipper


Iyt jahtmaster obalni

Iyt jahtmaster offshore

Majstor za nosače (MCA)

Vještine i znanje:

We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

Licenca i nagrade:

We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

* Preneseni dokumenti bit će vidljivi nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.


We are a team of a marvellous members comprising of experienced deckhands available for your next trip. We operate and maintain equipment on the deck of a vessel and assist with docking and other operations. We together make up the deck crew and are take responsibility for maintaining your boat or yacht.

Snaga posade

Samouvjereni plivač
Dobar slušatelj i komunikator
Nema piercinga tijela/lica
Nevjerojatni za more
Nema tetovaža
Predan dužnosti
Fit & zdravo
Otvorenog uma
Smisao za humor
Uživajte u kuhanju
Uživajte u vođenju
Vještine održavanja

Motivacija i interesi za posadu

Putujte novim mjestima
Avanturistička vrsta
Aprender idiomi
Povežite se s ljudima

Postavke financija

Može platiti vlastite troškove
Preferirajte povrat troškova
Preferirajte uključenu hranu
Preferirajte ostati uključen

Pravila otkaza :

Moderate Politika

Bez odgovora ili odsutnosti kontakta odlaskom datuma zapošljavanja rezultirat će rezervacijom koja se smatra oduzetom.

Mi smo tim profesionalaca i tako ponudite naše usluge navedene zajedno

Dostupno za rad oko ovih regija:

Mediterranean Sea

Trenutna lokacija

Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


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Na temelju 0 Pregled
Vrlo dobro
Nije ocijenjen
Nema pregleda
Morate Prijavite se u za pisanje pregleda


Popis od Apr 2021

iz £500/dan

Dodana naknada:

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  • {{total_price_html}}
  • {{pay_now_price_html}}
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