2 dana 1 noć jedrilica u Porto Koufo s luksuznom jedrilicama u Halkidikiju, Grčka

Halkidiki, Greece

Sailing Yacht

Vrsta plovila


Tip iskustva


2 days

Maksimum Osoba

8 osoba


We offer a two-day sailing tour / cruise in Porto Koufo, Sithonia, Halkidiki. In addition to sailing, snorkeling, and boat activities, breakfast and lunch will be served at a local tavern or restaurant. The nighttime on the boat was "and the candle in the cake," as we say in Greece. The overnight is a one-of-a-kind event, especially for those who have never done so. Trek and brief tour of the "Canons" and Toroni's Byzantine fortress.

Porto Koufo was Toronea's old port and the safest harbour for Toronean ships. The port still has its old name, Kofos port, because the ancients said that whomever is in the bay does not hear the roar of the sea at all. In reality, they used the port as an example, referring to it as "a deafer port of Kofos" for those who couldn't hear properly (Toroneo),

During WWII, German submarines exploited it because of its strategic location, which gave natural air cover and direct access to the Aegean, and they had put a machine gun patrolling its entry bay near the beginning of the bay on Akra Antikoufo. Kassandra SeaYou offers a two-day sailing tour / cruise in Porto Koufo.

• Antikoufo has an incredible view. • Walking 4 kilometers to see the Bazintine Castel and the guns on Antikoufo. • Prepare to deal with seasickness.

Day 1Knowing part of Sithonia We set sail from Polychrono towards Porto Koufo, making intermediate landings on the island of Kelifo, on the blue lake, for lunch, and then reopen our sails to anchor at Porto Koufo for the night.

Day 2Guided tour and return When we wake up in the morning, we have our breakfast and then begin our trip with the first stop being the Byzantine castle of Toroni, aiming at the fort where machine guns and cannons were put, the little WWII hospital, and the bunkers. Then we return to the boat and hoist the sails for the return trip along Kassandra's interior shoreline.

Price Includes • Professional skipper with excellent local knowledge • 1 Night aboard Accomodation • Fuels • Tax • Breakfast for the 2nd day

Price Excludes • Guide Service Fee • Transfer from/to your Hotel • Any Private Expenses • Tips and gratuities • Food, beverages, and other supplies.

Complementaries • Umbrella • Sunscreen • T-Shirt • Weather permitting, some basic sailing skills are offered, plus a chance to sail on your own and take pictures!

Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Dufour
Model: 45 Classic
Ne. Kabina: 4
Ne. 10
Duljina (metra): 14
Širina (metra): 4.32
Nacrt (metri): 2.34
Motor: u HP -u: 60
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 8
Kapacitet spremnika za gorivo: 280 ltr
Kapacitet svježe vode: 280 ltr
Displacement (at full load): 10968

Pravila rezervacije

Opcije čartera

Ovaj je popis naveden za sljedeće opcije čartera.

With Captain and Crew both

Napomena za goste:

Na temelju odabira opcije Charter postavljene za ovaj popis i vašeg odabira kako biste iskoristili ove opcije u okviru procesa rezervacije ove povelje, može se primjenjivati ​​dodatna naknada za npr.; Za korištenje usluge posade.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


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