Vodena avantura, klizanje u vodi, Povelja za zalazak sunca, ribolovna čarter Gulet Special Carpediem Charter u Marmarisu Muğla, Turska

Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey


Vrsta plovila


Tip iskustva


6 sat

Maksimum Osoba

12 osoba


There is one master suite, four double cabins, and one VIP cabin on this yacht. Each accommodation is equipped with air conditioning, as well as a private shower and toilet. Every cabin has a television, DVD player, and music system. Meals are cooked by chefs in professional kitchens while guests relax in the vast living spaces. In the distinctive waters of the Mediterranean and Aegean, every detail has been meticulously planned to deliver more than the comfort of a five-star hotel. For any charter customer who wishes to spend their vacation on a gulet, this gulet provides the most pleasurable sailing holiday on the water.Prices are following:May-5750 , June-6900, July-8050, August-8050 , September-6900, October -5750
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Proizvođač: Speciala Gulet Builders
Proizvedena godina: 2012
Ne. Kabina: 6
Ne. Kupaonice: 6
Ne. 6
Duljina (metra): 44
Širina (metra): 9.20
Motor: u HP -u: 600
Vrsta motora : U unutrašnjosti
Kapacitet svježe vode: NULL ltr
Maksimum Brzina (KN) : 14.00 kn
Brzina krstarenja (KN) : 11.00 kn

Pravila rezervacije

Charter cancellation conditions: In case of cancellation of the charter, the following fee will be charged: 25% down payment if canceled at least 120 days before the tour date. 50% down payment if canceled 119-90 days before the tour date. 75% down payment if canceled 89-60 days before the tour date. 100% down payment if canceled 59-0 days before the tour date. will be charged as a cancellation fee. Due to Covid 19 pandemy, the date transfer for the next year is done without any charge. Food (from 437 €/person/week), Drinks (according to consumption) Port and tourist taxes (Port taxes, private marinas and all custom fees) VAT
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Opcije čartera

Ovaj je popis naveden za sljedeće opcije čartera.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

Napomena za goste:

Na temelju odabira opcije Charter postavljene za ovaj popis i vašeg odabira kako biste iskoristili ove opcije u okviru procesa rezervacije ove povelje, može se primjenjivati ​​dodatna naknada za npr.; Za korištenje usluge posade.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


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