Ronjenje i ronjenje vode u vodenim avanturama na vrhuncu ronjenja u Aquabi, Jordan Istaknut

Aqaba, Jordan

Motor Boat

Vrsta plovila

Motorni čamac

Tip iskustva

Maksimum Osoba

5 osoba


We only do excellent dies on our great dive sties in aquaba, jordan. Our top sites are north bay, vistiors bay and south bay. 

Our dive rates vary depending on if you are booking for a single dive, 2 dives, and if it is including full-dive equipments. On board you can do 2 or 3 dives, be served a lunch between dives and, of course, have bottled water and soft drinks included in your day. Boat diving is also great for those divers wanting to undertake the PADI Advanced Open Water Divercourse or a PADI Deep Diver specialty course or those certified where you can just jump straight in off the boat on the dive site and descend to depth.

 Our boat is also available for private charter by individuals or dive groups upon request.

Our Dive Rates: 

  • single dive 24.000
  • 2 Dives per day 47.000

Dive rates (inc full equipment)

  • 1 dive incl. Full equip 35.000
  • 2 Dives per day inc full equip 67.000

To get you to the marvellous under-water experience with scuba-diving, you're taken by boat to the sea. We provide a daily bus transfer to and from your Aqaba and Tala Bay hotels.

- Pick up Aqaba: 9:00 and 13:30
- Pick up Tala Bay: 9:30 and 14:00
- Return to Aqaba/Tala Bay 12:30 and 17:30

Our dive operation has three large compressors, fresh water rinsing tank for equipment, hangers for drying equipment, secure equipment cage for guests to store their diving equipment, 4 DAN oxygen kits, approx 200 12-liter tanks (DIN and Yoke), approx 20 10-liter tanks (DIN and Yoke), full nitrox and trimix blending facilities, full recreational diving rental equipment and full range of rental snorkeling equipment.

Our instructors are certified to offer full range of courses based on CMAS and  SSI  beside PADI.

Čitaj više


Proizvođač: Local Build
Model: 2021
Proizvedena godina: 2021
Max Auth. Kapacitet: 5

Pravila rezervacije

The price displayed is for 1 Dive, including Full Equippment. If you want 2 Dives with the full equipment, you can select and checkmark the option on the added fee to book for it. 

Some Rules:

  • prepaid dives if unused are non-refundable/non transferable
  • proof of diving insurance incl hyperbaric treatment required.
  • All divers must produce an internationally recognised qualification (c. Card/log book/cert), with proof of qualification for open water dives without supervision from an instructors.
  • Diving is at the discretion of the instructors. They have a right to refuse diving.
  • Safe diving practices and standards must be adhered to.
  • Equipment hire is available but cannot be guaranteed. If required, please check in advance.

Cancellation Rules:

There is no refund after having booked a dive/snorkeling."

Čitaj više

Opcije čartera

Ovaj je popis naveden za sljedeće opcije čartera.

S kapetanom i posadom oboje

Napomena za goste:

Na temelju odabira opcije Charter postavljene za ovaj popis i vašeg odabira kako biste iskoristili ove opcije u okviru procesa rezervacije ove povelje, može se primjenjivati ​​dodatna naknada za npr.; Za korištenje usluge posade.

Pravila otkaza

Strog Politika

Ne-show će rezultirati da se rezervira smatra oduzetom.

Dani koji nisu provedeni zbog rane odjave označeni su kao oduzeta.

Povrat pod kojim uvjetima i odredbama otkaza isključuje naknadu za uslugu Katerblue.


Točne upute do mjesta odlaska bit će osigurane nakon potvrđene rezervacije.


Popis od Dec 2021

Stopi iz
£ 31/pers

Dodana naknada:

£ 33
Pošaljite upit

£ 31/pers£ 182/Group